Quoting "Giuseppe Penone" <gius...@gmail.com>:
Did anybody notice that the function
is missing from the bindings?

<method name="set_with_data"

If you start looking into the .gir files, you'll notice loads
of stuff is marked as non-introspectable. And not only in GTK+...

PyGTK used to have the same problem (loads of stuff was present
in the .defs file where no wrapper could be automatically generated).
It did have the advantage of being able to provide overrides written
in C. History has proven that to be time consuming, tedious and
generally unthankful work, so PyGTK maintenance eventually slowed
down almost to a complete stop (many thanks to those who continued

From what I remember reading on various places, with the gi-enabled
PyGObject it was decided to:
- write overrides in Python (in the hopes of attracting more
  contributors, which seems to slowly start paying of)
- fix the underlying libraries (like GTK+ in this case) by
  requesting/contributing bindable API
instead of pretending everything to be just fine and continue writing
glue overrides in C.

Getting these fixes in, reeducating C library authors to provide
bindable API (or fix it yourself and contribute the patch) and
generally making PyGObject+gi as pleasant to use as PyGTK used to
be is going to take time though. Lot's of time. This does *not*
mean we PyGTK users should sit still and wait to port our
software to PyGObject+gi. That would only slow development down
yet again.

In short, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty :)


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