There seems to be a bug in PyGTK. GDK events always seem to be of type gtk.gdk.NOTHING. Rough demonstration follows:

def PropertyNotify(ev, (rootwin)):
stderr.write(repr(ev.type) + "\n") #prints nothing but <enum GDK_NOTHING of type GdkEventType>
  return gtk.gdk.FILTER_CONTINUE

rootwin = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
rootwin.set_events(gtk.gdk.PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK | rootwin.get_events())
rootwin.add_filter(PropertyNotify, (rootwin))

Others have also encountered and got confused by the behavior, e.g. m . c . wilkins wrote on this ML:
The only problem with this is that event.type is always
<enum GDK_NOTHING of type GdkEventType>
and I don't receive all events, [snip]

Matt Wilkins and others have reportedly received some of the events they listened for, but had to disambiguate them with heuristics. I have not noticed any PROPERTY_NOTIFY events myself, but I do not know whether that stems from a bug in PyGTK or my misreading of the reference manual.

Is there any way to circumvent or fix this issue? Should I perhaps wrap rootwin in a gtk.Window? I tried skimming gdkevent.override, but I am no GObject or GTK+ programmer.

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