
how can I show the fullscreen window on the secondary monitor?

At best, the fullscreen mode should start on this screen where,
the current (not fullscreen) application is running.

At the moment the fullscreen is on my laptop, and not on the
secondary monitor.

With pygtk I can't seem to find a secondary screen:

        display_manager = gtk.gdk.display_manager_get()
        for display in display_manager.list_displays():
            print display
            for num in range(display.get_n_screens()):
                print 'screen', screen


<gtk.gdk.DisplayX11 object at 0xa74ddec (GdkDisplayX11 at 0xa34b008)>
screen <gtk.gdk.ScreenX11 object at 0xa74dd24 (GdkScreenX11 at 0xa34e0d8)>

I use Ubuntu 11.10.

Thomas Guettler http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
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