
There's something I don't get with the behaviour of homogeneous in Gtk.Box. I
guess there must be a reason for it working this way. I just don't get the

From http://pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/sec-DetailsOfBoxes.html :

"The homogeneous argument [... ]controls whether each object in the box has
the same size."

"If homogeneous is set, then "the pack routines function essentially as if
the expand argument was always turned on."

Though it works "as if the expand argument was always turned on", "each
object in the box has the same size" is not really what I see.

What I see :

homogeneous = True
expand = whatever
fill = False (for all objects)
-> Objects are scattered along the line (it is a HBox), with space in
between. They may be provided equal space, but don't actually fill it, so
they appear with different sizes.

[  |a|   |abc|    ||  ]

homogeneous = True
expand = whatever
fill = True (for all objects)
-> Objects use all the line and are of equal size

[|  a  || abc ||    | ]

What I would expect :

homogeneous = True
expand = False
fill = whatever
-> Objects would be of the same size : the size of the largest one, and they
would be left-aligned (pack_start() being used).

[| a ||abc||   |      ]

homogeneous = True
expand = True
fill = False
-> Objects would be of the same size : the size of the largest one, and they
would be scattered along the line with space in between.

[ | a |  |abc|  |   | ]

homogeneous = True
expand = True
fill = True
-> Objects would be of the same size and fill the line.

[|  a  || abc ||     |]

This seems more logical to me. I can't figure out why it does not work this

Besides, I don't see how to obtain 2.a/ any other way.

Am I the only one who would expect things to work this way (or at least a
different way) ?

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