I'm using set_from_file(), and it kind of works. The problem is that the image is updated only second time event handler that replots and invokes set_from_file() is triggered. I double checked replot occurs every time event is caught, when I open the image file manually it contains the updated plot.

I added queue_redraw() after set_from_file(), but it didn't help.

This is what I have there now:
  def apply_equations(self, widget, data):
        x_equation = data[0].get_text()
        y_equation = data[1].get_text()
        image = data[2]
        print "Equations: x=%s, y=%s" % (x_equation, y_equation)
        expression = x_equation + "," + y_equation

self.equations_apply.connect("clicked", self.apply_equations, (self.x_expression, self.y_expression, self.image) )

On 01/28/2013 10:02 PM, Niklas Koep wrote:
If you're updating your gtk.Image contents via its set_from_file() method you don't need to request an update at all -- it happens automatically. Generally speaking, however, gtk.Widget implements a queue_draw() method which can be used to invalidate the entire visible area of a widget which in turn causes it to be redrawn. For your use this doesn't seem to be required though. Hope this helps.

2013/1/27 Daniil Baturin <dan...@baturin.org <mailto:dan...@baturin.org>>

    What is the proper way to reload gtk.Image contents?

    I want to make a simple educational gnuplot frontend that would
    allow playing with parametric curve coefficients by using spin
    buttons, expressions with substituted constants will be passed to
    gnuplot and generated png displayed in a gtk.Image. But I'm not
    sure how to request update of displayed image if the image has

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    @a=split(//, "daniil @ baturin  .  org" );# Daniil Baturin

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