'object' as type worked

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Timo <timomli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Op 21-04-13 18:55, Christian Mallwitz schreef:
>> Hi,
>> I want to declare a signal handler as in
>> __gsignals__ = {
>>          'foo':        (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None,
>> (GObject.TYPE_POINTER,)),
>>      }
>> I have a do_foo method but the parameter passed is actually a
>> GdkEventButton (or rather a Gdk.EventButton in Python) - the signal is
>> emitted in a 'button-press-event' signal handler.
>> My problem is the event object I have in the 'button-press-event'
>> signal handler and pass when emitting 'foo' is not a
>> GObject.TYPE_POINTER. I tried GObject.TYPE_OBJECT as well to no avail.
>> The error is: TypeError: could not convert type EventButton to
>> gpointer required for parameter 0
>> How do I declare a signal handler such that I can pass a
>> GdkEventButton instance as argument to the signal handler?
> I had to do the same when porting an application from GTK2 to GTK3.
> GTK2 version:
>     __gsignals__ = {
>         'clicked' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
> (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gtk.gdk.Event))
>     }
> GTK3 version:
>     __gsignals__ = {
>         'clicked' : (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, None, (str, object))
>     }
> I was confused at the beginning because Gdk.Event didn't work anymore, but
> passing it as a Python object seems to do the trick.
> Timo
>> Thanks
>> Christian
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