I've put pygtk onto a Gumstix Overo board, which uses the XFCE desktop
manager (GTK-based). At the moment, I'm using a Tobi expansion board and a
full-sized monitor, but eventually I want to switch to a Chestnut43 board
with a 4.3" LCD.

At present, I can successfully launch a graphical Python app from a terminal
window on the screen, but on a tiny LCD I want the app to fill the screen,
so I want to launch from something else. If I try launching the Python app
from a serial console, it barfs because it doesn't know what to display it

Can anyone explain to me how PyGTK finds the windowing system so that it can
create its window? Is it something in the environment? I don't see any
likely candidate. Eventually, I may want to use an X server on another
machine to run a development console, in which case I'll still want my PyGTK
app to use the small LCD instead of putting itself up on my X server. But
for now, is there some way I can run Python from a serial console and have
it put up a PyGTK window on the only display?


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com 

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