In every word processor I've used, if you hit the enter key and create a
new line, then change the justification to center, the cursor will go to
the center of the line.

TextView does not do this out of the box.  Instead, it stays left
justified, until you begin typing, (unless I'm misunderstanding something).

My application depends upon this simple standard feature. (I'm doing a
screen writing app which auto-formats as you type and when it centers you
know you are about to type dialogue.)

The following class is my test case to get this justification on empty
lines to work.  I would greatly appreciate any help to move things
forward.  My project will not be possible unless the behavior is achieved.


import gtk, pango

NEW_LINE_KEY = 65293

# TaggedCursorTextView attempts to only add one feature to gtk.TextView:
make the cursor dynamically settable
# to a list of tags.  This forces the current text being typed to the set
of tags set.

class TaggedCursorTextView(gtk.TextView):
    def __init__(self):

        # Create buffer variable that point to it's internal TextBuffer.
        self.buffer = self.get_buffer()

        # Listen for the changed event. (User types, deletes or pastes
text, etc.)
        self.connect("key-release-event", self.on_key_release_event)

        # What ever tags are place in here determines the text attributes
(font type, bold, etc.)
        # That is being typed by the user at any given moment.
        # Default should be kept empty, no styles.

        self.styleTags = [] # Tags that do not have the primary purpose of
affecting the layout of text, i.e., colors, bold, font size, etc.
        self.formatTags = [] # Tags that have the primary purpose of
affecting text layout on the page, i.e., indentation, margins,
justificaiton, etc.

        self.handlerID = None

        self.cycleTest = 0

    def addTags(self, tagList):
        # Create the Tags and add them to the Tag Table.  Ignores duplicate
tag names.
        for tag in tagList:
            newTag = gtk.TextTag(name=tag[0])
            textTable = self.buffer.get_tag_table()
            tagNameFound = textTable.lookup(tag[0])
            if not tagNameFound:
                newTag.set_property(tag[1], tag[2])

    def removeTags(self, tagNameList):

    def setStyleTags(self, tagList):
        self.styleTags = tagList

    def setFormatTags(self, tagList):
        self.formatTags = tagList

    def on_key_release_event(self, widget, event):
        self.handlerID = self.buffer.connect("changed",

        if event == None:

        if event.keyval != NEW_LINE_KEY:
            # Put custom handling code here.

    ############################# testing code remove for general usuage
        #    if self.cycleTest == 0:
        #        self.setStyleTags([])
        #        self.setFormatTags(["Center"])
        #    elif self.cycleTest == 1:
        #        self.setStyleTags([])
        #        self.setFormatTags(["Center"])
        #    elif self.cycleTest == 2:
        #        self.setStyleTags([])
        #        self.setFormatTags(["Center"])
        #    self.cycleTest += 1
        #if self.cycleTest > 2:
        #    self.cycleTest = 0
    ############################# end of testing code

    def on_change_event(self, widget):
        """This method updates the last character with styleTags and
formats the line with formatTags."""
        print "on change"

        # Adds the style for the char just typed in.

        styleEndIter = self.buffer.get_end_iter()
        offset = styleEndIter.get_offset() - 1
        styleStartIter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset)

        for tag in self.styleTags:
            self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name(tag, styleStartIter, styleEndIter)


        # Formats the line in which the entered char resides.

        startFormatIter, endFormatIter = self.formatRange()

        formatBegin = startFormatIter.get_offset()
        formatEnd = endFormatIter.get_offset()

        if formatBegin == formatEnd:
            print "\nformat range before", startFormatIter.get_offset(),

        startFormatIter, endFormatIter = self.formatRange()

        if formatBegin == formatEnd:
            print "format range after", startFormatIter.get_offset(),

        # Apply the format tags last.  Apply to entire line in which the
char resides.
        for tag in self.formatTags:
            self.buffer.apply_tag_by_name(tag, startFormatIter,

        #self.emit("key-release-event", gtk.gdk.Event(gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE))


        #print self.styleTags, self.cycleTest

    def formatRange(self):
        cursorPosition = self.buffer.get_property("cursor-position")
        cursorIter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursorPosition)
        currentLine = cursorIter.get_line()
        firstIndexOfCurrentLine = self.buffer.get_iter_at_line(currentLine)

        lineEndIter = cursorIter.forward_to_line_end()

        if not lineEndIter:
            cursorPosition = self.buffer.get_property("cursor-position")
            cursorIter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursorPosition)
            offset = cursorIter.get_offset()
            offset = lineEndIter.get_offset()

        endIter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(offset)

        return [firstIndexOfCurrentLine, endIter]

class TaggedCurserTextViewTestWindow(gtk.Window):

    def __init__(self):
        self.connect( "destroy", lambda *w: gtk.main_quit() )

        self.set_default_size(280, 80)

        # Create a TaggedCursorTextView.
        tctv = TaggedCursorTextView()

        # Add some cursors tags that will be used at some point later in
the app.
        # Each tag element list is: [tag name, tag property, tag value]
        tagList = [["Italic", "style", pango.STYLE_ITALIC], ["Bold",
"weight", pango.WEIGHT_BOLD], ["Center", "justification",

        # Use the Tag Names in a list to set the cursor tags.

        # Let's see what happens.

if __name__ == "__main__":

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