I'm sorry, I just find the pyinstaller "hooks" mechanism completely opaque.
I can just about understand the TOC format and how it feeds  into the
analyze and collect phases, but how and where the hooks fit in, and what
their syntax is supposed to be -- I just don't get it.

I'm going to explore other ways of providing spellcheck to my app than
enchant, which is clearly not a good way to go. Not only because
pyinstaller can't handle it, but also because it is using myspell instead
of hunspell, and other issues.

Thanks for your time.

Dave Cortesi

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 7:11 AM, Martin Zibricky <mzibri...@gmail.com>wrote:

> David Cortesi píše v Pá 11. 11. 2011 v 05:42 -0800:
> > I am travelling next 48 hours, will try to sort on the weekend.
> > thanks
> To implement the hook you need to:
> - find properly enchant plugins (e.g. libenchant_aspell.so,
> libenchant_ispell.so, libenchant_myspell.so). On my system they are
> located in /opt/local/lib/enchant (it's default location from macports).
> - you should put these plugins in directory
> YOUR_APP_DIST_DIR/lib/enchant
> - then you need to force pyinstaller check to check these plugins for
> dynamic depenencies on other .so or .dylib files. You could do this in a
> similar way as it is done for qt_plugins. (e.g.
> PYINSTALLER_TRUNK/PyInstaller/hooks/hook-PyQt4.QtGui.py)
> - to test that it works there is a test case in pyinstaller:
> PYINSTALLER_TRUNK/buildtests/libraries/test_enchant.py
> - to run it use command
> PYINSTALLER_TRUNK/buildtests/runtests.py   libraries/test_enchant
> - then you need some additional code co collect dictionaries
> Hope this helps.
> --
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