>  We've used sector and frame to describe the same 
> thing in the cdgtools code - as the 2352 bytes of audio + (2 * 392) 
> bytes error correction/detection + 98 bytes subchannel data. Looks like 
> we should replace "frame" by "sector" throughout the code.

Yes. I've seen frame used to describe 1/75 of a second of audio (1
sector) in several different places as in MM:SS:FF. As far as I can tell
this is wrong but it's used often enough that everyone understands what
is means anyway.

> > I know a certain amount of interleaving goes on in the audio data prior
> > to it being written onto the disk but I was under the impression that
> > the same could not be said about subcode?
> It looks that way from the document. The CIRC coding is done before the 
> control bytes are added,

Yes from what I've read I'd agree with that, it also seems sensible
given how easily cdg data gets damaged.

>  but perhaps the control bytes are then added in 
> the relevant place, i.e. they are not added in order because they are 
> placed according to the position of the CIRC-encoded data? I haven't 
> read deeply enough yet to figure that out.

I'm not sure about that either but at the moment I'm betting against it
the reasons are explained later.

> As you can probably tell from the above, I'm pretty much in the dark 
> about the interleaving process. When writing cdgtools I noticed that my 
> drive was returning data that looked almost correct but with the bytes 
> spread around. I couldn't find any information on the interleaving 
> process, and believed it to be in the Red Book, but came across the 
> following:
> http://club.cdfreaks.com/showpost.php?p=719361&postcount=13

Very interesting link. That's where you got your mysterious offsets form
then I suppose.

> I'm not sure because I mask out only the P and Q subchannels. Are you 
> asking because the CIRC section discusses encoding of P and Q bytes? The 
> way I read that was that these are parity bytes, unrelated to the p-w 
> subchannels (confusing terminology).

The Q and P bytes are added before the first scrambling occurs and have
nothing to do with the p and q subcode channels from the control byte.

>From what I understand the subcode byte is added to the frame (in the
ECMA-130 sense) after all the scrambling and reed-solomon coding has
been done.

> My (probably flawed) thinking is that the control bytes containing 
> subchannel data are not put through the CIRC process,

I agree.

>  but are matched up 
> with the new position of the relevant frame after CIRC encoding, and so 
> are effectively interleaved.

That could be right but I don't think it is and I'll tell you why :)

I've been experimenting with q channel data. Some time ago I wrote a
program to read through a .cdg file (generated with some older windows
software which was not open source) and extracted the q channel info. It
seems this other software left the p and q channels in the .cdg file.

Recently I wrote some more software which reads bin files directly and
extracts the q channel. (I'm sure you know this but just in case the
q-channel holds timing and track info about the current track and the
disk there is one q-channel "section" for every sector)

What I found was that in bin file (which was extracted with RW_RAW and
so would need the karaoke info deinterleaving) has the q-channel subcode
bits (bit 6) in the right place and in the right order already (ie they
are do not need deinterleaving)

Also the q channel bits in the .cdg file extracted with the old windows
software had q-channel bits in the expected place. 

This got me thinking.

I looked at pykaraoke and noticed that it masks out the q and p bits. So
i did a little experiment and changed the mask from 0x3f to 0x7f (to
preserve the q-channel).

I then extracted some cdg files from a (bin file with the modified mask)
and ran the .cdg file through my q channel program. The result was
garbage, the deinterleaving had scrambled the q-channel.


I probably haven't explained any of this very well so I'll sum up what I
think I've found from research and experiment.

The subcode is not interleaved in standard CDs

The RW_RAW bin file extracted with cdrdao --read-subchan RW_RAW contains
q-channel bits in the correct order. The 12 byte q-channel of one
"section" is made up of bit 6 of the first subcode byte followed by bit
6 of the second and so on.

The R-W channels ARE interleaved. Judging by the offsets, across two

I do not know if the interleaving of the CDG data matches up the bytes
in any way with scrambling of the audio sectors.

I think it is likely that the interleaving in the R-W channels is part
of a completely separate error correction system added by the inventors
of CDG. Have you noticed that the 24 byte DG packet contains 6 "parity"
bytes it would be nice if these could be used to correct broken cdg

> It would be 
> great if you had the time and inclination to check this out :-)

If you want any of the code I've been using (it's all is very rough and
ready state) I could post it. It's in C :) not sure how python
programmers feel about C.


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