Hi Jay,

>> As usual a new version of WxPython has brought with it new 
>> incompatibilities... I'm seriously considering shifting to a different 
>> framework for the GUI.
> Was it WX, or something underneath it, that made difficult putting the
> air interface and the control interface on separate display adapters?

It was the fact that both Wx and Pygame run in the same process. 
Supporting separate X displays is another good reason for using 
different processes for the GUI and the players.

Short term we could add a small glue layer between the Wx GUI and the 
players that starts the players in a separate process and communicates 
via some IPC mechanism. A while ago I knocked something up that used 
plain old sockets to do this, but didn't end up going further with it. 
Perhaps it's time to bring that back in. That would certainly please 
those wanting separate X displays and kill the Wx2.8 compatibility problem.

Longer term I'd like to do away with Wx completely though. Can anyone 
recommend a good alternative GUI framework that's readily available on 
the major platforms? Does anyone have time to think about such a 
project? It might be a good time to add some of the pro hosting features 
that some of you have been talking about.

> I may be *finally* about to do something productive with the silly
> program; I have a soft-launch gig coming up in January at a restaurant
> a friend of mine bought recently.

Well if you're offering :-)


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