On Jan 18, 2008 9:35 AM, Jay R. Ashworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There hasn't been a lot of traffic on this list lately, which means one
> of two things:
> 1) everyone's given up, or
> 2) PYK is Good Enough now.  :-)

PYK has always been pretty good :) The patches I submitted back (I think) in
2005 (yeesh, has it really been that long already?!?!) made it do pretty
much everything I ever wanted it to do; the only thing it's missing now from
a raw functionality perspective is key changing / pitch shifting, changeable
at runtime with a keystroke or on the command line.

Since that would involve tying in libsoundtouch and doing playback more
directly (instead of just doing "load audio file, shove into playback
engine"), and I haven't ever managed to get SWIG to behave, that one feature
hasn't shown up :)

Ok, people, which is it?

Something that's slowed me down is I'm not KJ'ing anymore (professionally,
anyway). When I moved to Florida, the idiot that invited me (amid promises
to help get my foot in the door to host karaoke) turned out to be one of the
biggest flakes I've ever known, and got herself into more personal trouble
in the span of a few months than I've ever seen a person manage. Between the
frustrations of dealing with that and other work turning up to keep me busy,
I've never managed to actually get anything karaoke-related off the ground.

I'm still very keen to build a real GUI and automation chain for the
rotation management side of things, though.

Myself, I'm just about to implement, having lined up a potential show
> at a restaurant a friend just bought.  Kelvin: did we ever look into
> the "break the playback window apart from the management window" thing?
> Will?  How were you dealing with that?

I've actually never used the management window thing for a show -- I just
use pycdg.py directly for CDG playback (configured/controlled via
command-line). My first patch to the app added a whole bunch of command-line
options to help control and configure it.
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