
> thank you for great work you've done with pykaraoke!
> This is my problem: pykaraoke works well with default timidity's
> settings, but if i change timidity's configuration to use other
> Soundfonts files, pykaraoke don't output any sound.
> Of course i try to use new SoundFont file with timidity only, and it
> works well. 

There used to be a good HowTo which a PyKaraoke user recommended to me 
for setting up timidity (for eawpats in his case). Unfortunately the 
link seems to be down:

I've emailed the site owner to ask whether he can provide the page text, 
I'll let you know what comes back.

Meanwhile as this is really down to Pygame which is used under the hood 
of PyKaraoke, you might get some help from the Pygame mailing list.


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