Hi Steve,

> Thanks for the quick response Kelvin.  I'm glad to hear that pykaraoke is
> still kicking.  I would definitely like to contribute back at least what we

It's still going, just at a slower pace now that the core karaoke
playback functionality is finished and stable. You may have seen that
I released v0.7.3 this week.

> the night I have more time than I know what to do with :)  I have a Vista &
> Win7 box and I've used pykaraoke enough that I think I could look over the
> Windows port.

That would be great thanks.

> My wife and I worked mainly on modifying the gui so that you could play a
> song while adding other songs.  When she was singing I couldn't look up
> another song without her video freezing while the gui was occupied.  I think
> it mainly comprised kicking off the video window in it's own thread.  Has
> something like this been worked on in the past?  Commit access btw would be

This would be useful. The player threads do make callbacks when songs
are completed, though, which is something to be aware of (i.e. may
need proper IPC between the GUI thread and the player thread). Which
reminds me: someone did report an issue with a multicore CPU on
Windows, which I suspected at the time was due to the callbacks
between the Pygame player and the GUI. What you have done there sounds
like it could be useful for that.

> great.  I'll probably throw the patch your way first anyway, but first
> things first I'll find my old code & setup pykaraoke on Vista & see how it
> goes.  I'll probably be taking baby steps contributing since my free time to
> code is pretty small.

No problem, anything you feel like contributing is appreciated.


> As for other features, I do have some other ideas written in an email
> somewhere.  I'll try to find them & get back to you.
> Steve
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Kelvin Lawson <kelv...@users.sf.net> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Good to hear from you.
>>> I was reading the http://kibosh.org/blog/ and saw a couple posts about
>>> the project looking for a developer to look over the Windows port.  Has a
>>> developer been found yet?  I'm a developer by day and a while ago hacked on
>>> the pykaraoke source to make some improvements for my wife and I's setup at
>>> home.  Unfortunately, we never got around to rolling those improvements back
>>> upstream :( sorry.  Is there still some active development going on these
>>> days or any high level goals for the project?
>> As yet we don't have a Windows developer: if you have any spare moments to
>> contribute (however small) then that would be much appreciated. I'd be happy
>> to give you commit access to the repository at Sourceforge.
>> There probably isn't a huge amount to do that is Windows-specific. I have
>> run it in a VM occasionally and the main thing I noticed was that a few of
>> the popup windows were badly sized. Also I only have XP here so it would be
>> good to have someone with Vista on board to cover that. I have heard, for
>> example, that songs cannot be cancelled part-way through playback on Vista,
>> but don't have a copy to try it out.
>> Building release installers for Windows is pretty easy these days. I
>> documented the procedure here:
>> http://kibosh.org/pykaraoke-development-windows-installer/
>> Once you have the prerequisites installed, it's just a couple of commands
>> to build the entire installer.
>> Any features you think are lacking would be gratefully received, and
>> generally these would work on any platform. If you don't have Linux over
>> there then I can easily run your changes here to make sure they work
>> cross-platform.
>> Do you have any thoughts on useful features to add to the roadmap? Some of
>> the things I'd like to add, but haven't had the time to do yet, are:
>> * More KJ features (singer tracking etc, splash screen between songs)
>> * Playback of LRC & other formats
>> * Progress bar
>> Would be interested to hear any other ideas you have.
>> Best regards,
>> Kelvin.
>>> Steve
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