Hi Matt,

Thanks for taking the time to submit a patch.

> I have attached a patch which converts all directory names to str
> objects before scanning them. It makes thing work here. I have not
> tested it out on other platforms, but I believe since I remain with
> str objects, all encoding issues should be effectively bypassed, so it
> should work everywhere.

This is actually how PyKaraoke used to behave but users with unicode
directory names found that the str() conversion made the scan fail.
The previous implementation (the same as yours) compared to the new
can be seen here:

This fixed scanning of folders with unicode names, and I confirmed it
to work on my machine, so I cannot reinstate the str() as is. Is there
an alternative patch that would work in both environments? Could it be
that the path needs to be encoded using the file system encoding for
example (fileList[i].encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))?

Thanks again for spending the time to dig into the sources, much appreciated.


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