Jim Bublitz wrote:
> Two questions/problems with DND:
> (using PYKDE 0.11/Qt 1.44/KDE 1.2)
> 2. (This may indicate my unfamiliarity with Python)
> If I derive a widget, say from QListView, and want
> to multiply inherit QDropSite, how do I do the
> QDropSite init (it needs a pointer to the widget
> to install the event filter)? I have:
> class  KFoo (QListView, QDropSite):
>      def __init__(self, parent):
>           QListView.__init__(self, parent)
> Do I add:
> QDropSite.__init__(self, self)  ??
> Also, it seems to make a difference if I do that
> before or after the QListView call. Of course I
> can't test this, because (see 1) I'm not getting
> any events to test it with.

Sorry - you can't do this in Python. Both the QListView and the
QDropSite __init__ methods will create separate widgets. The bindings
only create wrappers for existing C++ classes - what you are trying to
do is to create a new C++ class, which you can't do from Python.

If there is no other way of achieving what you want then you will have
to create KFoo in C++ and then create a new Python module using SIP to
wrapp the KFoo class.


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