Now onto the PyQt package.

 --1. CONFIGURE ERROR----------------------------------------------------------

 > configure --with-sip-includes=$HOME/software/sip-0.9/include/sip \
 checking for sip.h... /home/rhh/software/sip-0.9/include/sip
 checking for -lsip... configure: error: not found

 --   PROBLEM------------------------------------------------------------------

 configure doesn't pay attention to --with-sip-library.
 --   SOLUTION-----------------------------------------------------------------
 A hack is to put $HOME/software/sip-0.9/lib into libdirs in 'configure'
 where it is checking for -lsip.
 --1. COMPILE ERROR------------------------------------------------------------

CC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/local/include/python1.5 
-I/home/rhh/software/sip-0.9/include/sip -I/usr/local/include/qt -O2 -OPT:Olimit=15000 
-LANG:ansi-for-init-scope=ON -c  -DPIC qtcmodule.cpp -o qtcmodule.lo
cc-1005 CC: ERROR File = qgmanager.sip, Line = 27
  The source file "qgmanager.h" is unavailable.

  #include <qgmanager.h>

3 errors and 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "qtcmodule.cpp".
Compilation terminated.

 --   PROBLEM------------------------------------------------------------------

Where does this file come from?  Neither qt-2.0.1 or qt-2.0.2 have it.
They have a qgmanagr.h, but this isn't the same name and isn't installed

 --   SOLUTION-----------------------------------------------------------------


Putting this aside for now.  Tips appreciated


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