On Wed, 15 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone know how to either adapt a yacc generated parser to Python,
> > or how to write a parser for a limited subset of C++ (comments,
> > includes, defines, class definition, object creation and property
> > setting, qtArch doesn't generate more than that)?
> > 
> Have you looked at ViPyl?  http://vipyl.sourcefourge.net
> This is a project with similar goals.  It's not QtArchitect but it can
> accomplish much of the same things.
> Matt

Yes, I've seen ViPyl, which is _very_ interesting. However, it
is not yet a practical solution. Besides, it focuses on an essentially
different way of developing applications (with properties and so on),
and doesn't support layout management. The beauty of qtArchitect is
that you use layout management, and that the tool shows you the result.
(If it doesn't crash, that is...) I think I'll give it one more try,
and then try another route: using the qtArch .dlg format. If that doesn't
work there are two options: either hack qtArch, or rewrite it in 
Python. With my C++ prowess, the second seems easier ;-).

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