Here is something I wrote to do a "Spreadsheet" like thing.  I really 
cleaned it up beyond just getting it to work for my specific needs.

Typing "Return" allows you to edit a cell.  Type "Esc" stops editting 
without saving changes to that cell.

#! /bin/env python
#                               -*- Python -*-
import sys
import types
import UserList

import qt

class Table (qt.QScrollView):
        """Implement a spreadsheet like widget.
        Individual cells can be editted and arrow keys work for navigation."""

        def __init__ (self, rows, cols, parent = None, name = ''):
                qt.QScrollView.__init__ (self, parent, name,  0x00800000 | 
                self.setResizePolicy (self.ResizePolicy.Manual)
                #self.num_rows = rows   # avoid, if possible
                #self.num_cols = cols
                self.contents = map (lambda arg: (None, []), range (0,rows))
                self.row_cur = 0
                self.col_cur = 0
                self.editor = None
                self.key_last = qt.Qt.Key.Key_Right
                self.update_func = None # called when user changes a cell's contents
                self.doupdates = 1
                self.selectlist = []    # List of rows that are selected
                self.sort_col = None
                self.sort_increasing = 1

                # Create the left and top headers
                self.header_left = qt.QHeader (rows, self)
                left = self.header_left
                left.setOrientation (qt.Qt.Orientation.Vertical)
                left.setTracking (1)
                left.setMovingEnabled (0)

                self.header_top = qt.QHeader (cols, self)
                top = self.header_top
                top.setOrientation (qt.Qt.Orientation.Horizontal)
                top.setTracking (1)
                top.setMovingEnabled (0)

                self.setMargins (30, self.fontMetrics().height() + 4, 0, 0)

                self.enableClipper (1)
                #self.contents.resize (self.)

                self.connect (self.horizontalScrollBar (), qt.SIGNAL ('valueChanged 
                              self.header_top, qt.SLOT ('setOffset(int)'))
                self.connect (self.header_top, qt.SIGNAL ('clicked(int)'), self.sort)
                self.connect (self.header_left, qt.SIGNAL ('clicked(int)'), 
                self.connect (self.header_left, qt.SIGNAL ('clicked(int)'), 
                self.connect (self.verticalScrollBar (), qt.SIGNAL ('valueChanged 
                              self.header_left, qt.SLOT ('setOffset(int)'))
                self.connect (self.header_top, qt.SIGNAL ('sizeChange (int, int, 
                self.connect (self.header_left, qt.SIGNAL ('sizeChange (int, int, 

        # The following re-implement methods from qt.QTableView and qt.QWidget
        def contentsMousePressEvent (self, event):
                # get rid of the editor
                self.editor_save ()
                self.editor_cancel ()
                row_old = self.row_cur
                col_old = self.col_cur

                self.row_cur = self.row_at (event.pos().y())
                self.col_cur = self.col_at (event.pos().x())

                if self.row_cur == -1:
                        self.row_cur = row_old
                if self.col_cur == -1:
                        self.col_cur = col_old

                # if it is a new cell, repaint it
                if self.row_cur != row_old or self.col_cur != col_old:
                        self.update_cell (row_old, col_old)
                        self.update_cell (self.row_cur, self.col_cur)
                        rh = self.row_height (self.row_cur)
                        cw = self.col_width (self.col_cur)
                        self.ensureVisible (self.col_pos (self.col_cur) + cw/2, 
self.row_pos (self.row_cur) + rh/2, cw/2, rh/2)
                return None

        def contentsMouseMoveEvent (self, event):
                self.contentsMousePressEvent (event)

        def focusInEvent (self, event):
                self.update_cell (self.row_cur, self.col_cur)

        def focusOutEvent (self, event):
                self.update_cell (self.row_cur, self.col_cur)

        def resizeEvent (self, event):
                qt.QScrollView.resizeEvent (self, event)
                self.update_geometries ()

        def showEvent (self, event):
                qt.QScrollView.showEvent (self, event)
                (x, y, width, height) = self.cell_geometry (self.rows () - 1, 
self.cols () - 1)
                self.resizeContents (x + width, y + height)
                self.update_geometries ()

        def focusNextPrevChild (self, next):
                dofocus = 0
                if not next:
                        next = -1
                if self.editor:
                        #self.editor_save ()

                        # If we are either in the top left or bottom right corner
                        # Just move vertically.  Make the self.key_last be vertical
                        if self.col_cur == 0 and self.row_cur == 0:
                                self.key_last = qt.Qt.Key.Key_Down
                                return self.move_vertical (1, 1)
                        if self.col_cur + 1== self.cols () and self.row_cur + 1 == 
self.rows ():
                                self.key_last = qt.Qt.Key.Key_Up
                                return self.move_vertical (-1, 1)

                        # Based on the previous direction, keep moving in that
                        # same direction.  If we are at a boundary, than
                        # "slide" along that boundary.
                        if self.key_last == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Left:
                                if next * -1 + self.col_cur < 0:
                                        return self.move_vertical (next * -1, 1)
                                return self.move_horizontal (next * -1, 1)
                        elif self.key_last == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Right:
                                if next * 1 + self.col_cur >= self.cols ():
                                        return self.move_vertical (next * 1, 1)
                                return self.move_horizontal (next * 1, 1)
                        elif self.key_last == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Up:
                                if next * - 1 + self.row_cur < 0:
                                        return self.move_horizontal (next * -1, 1)
                                return self.move_vertical (next * -1, 1)
                        else: #self.key_last == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Down:
                                if next * 1 + self.row_cur >= self.rows ():
                                        return self.move_horizontal (next * 1, 1)
                                return self.move_vertical (next * 1, 1)
                        return qt.QScrollView.focusNextPrevChild (self, next > 0)

        def keyPressEvent (self, event):
                if self.editor:
                        # We will ignore most keys (except Escape) and
                        # let the returnPressed() signal from QMultiLineEdit
                        # tell us person wants to move on or the
                        # focus change which is handled by
                        # self.focusChangeEvent ()
                        if event.key () == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Escape:
                                self.editor_cancel ()
                        return None
                        #elif event.key () == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Return or event.key () == 
                        #       self.editor_save ()
                        # FIX: If we wanted, we could handle Page_Up, etc here
                row_old = self.row_cur
                col_old = self.col_cur
                key = event.key ()
                if key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Tab:
                        key = self.key_last
                if key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Left:
                        self.move_horizontal (-1, 0)
                        self.key_last = key
                elif key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Right:
                        self.move_horizontal (1, 0)
                        self.key_last = key
                elif key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Up:
                        self.move_vertical (-1, 0)
                        self.key_last = key
                elif key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Down:
                        self.move_vertical (1, 0)
                        self.key_last = key
                # FIX: Hmm, If this is a Key_Return, than create an editor and start 
                #      If the editor does not exist, then do not create one!
                #      Otherwise, start editing with this new text.  Do we really
                #       want to just start editing on any key?
                elif key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Enter or key == qt.Qt.Key.Key_Return:
                        self.editor_display ()
                #else: # if event.text ()[0].isPrint ():
                #       t = repr (event.text ())
                #       if not t:
                #               event.ignore ()
                #               return
                #       self.editor_display (repr (event.text ()))
                return None

        def drawContents (self, painter, cell_x, cell_y, cell_width, cell_height):
                """Reimplement QScrollView.drawContents().  Draws all the cells within 
the rectangle defined by x,y,width, height."""
                row_first = self.row_at (cell_y)
                row_last = self.row_at (cell_y + cell_height)

                col_first = self.col_at (cell_x)
                col_last = self.col_at (cell_x + cell_width)

                if row_first == -1 or col_first == -1:
                        self.paint_empty (painter, cell_x, cell_y, cell_width, 

                if row_last == -1:
                        row_last = self.rows ()
                if col_last == -1:
                        col_last = self.cols ()

                # Step through the rows
                for i in range (row_first, row_last+1):
                        row_pos = self.row_pos (i)
                        row_height = self.row_height (i);
                        # Look at each column in the row
                        for j in range (col_first, col_last+1):
                                col_pos = self.col_pos (j)
                                col_width = self.col_width (j)

                                # Translate painter and draw the cell
                                painter.saveWorldMatrix ()
                                painter.translate (col_pos, row_pos)
                                self.cell_paint (painter, i, j, (col_pos, row_pos, 
col_width, row_height))
                                painter.restoreWorldMatrix ()
                self.paint_empty (painter, cell_x, cell_y, cell_width, cell_height)

        # The following is the "public" interface to this class
        def cell_data (self, row):
                "Return the data the application associated with item displayed at 
ROW.  Note: this is the currently displayed row, not the original order."
                return self.contents[row][0]

        def cell_text (self, row, col):
                "Return the contents of cell ROW, COL as a (string, wasstring)."
                val = self.cell_val (row, col)
                wasstring = 1
                if not isinstance (val, types.StringType):
                        if val != None:
                                val = repr (val)
                                wasstring = 0
                                val = ''
                return (val, wasstring)

        def cell_val (self, row, col):
                "Return the value associated with cell ROW, COL.  Note this may not be 
a string value."
                if row >= len (self.contents):
                        return None
                (data, vals) = self.contents[row]
                if col >= len (vals):
                        #raise 'To long at (%d, %d)' % (row, col)
                        val = None
                        val = vals[col]
                return val

        def cell_row_set (self, row, values, data = []):
                "Set the contents of cells at ROW with each col being in VALUES[i].  
At display time, a string representation of VALUES[i] is displayed.  DATA is passed 
back to the application when a particular row is being acted upon."
                if not (isinstance (values, types.ListType) or isinstance (values, 
                        raise 'values is not a listType'
                if len (self.contents) <= row:
                        self.contents = self.contents + map (lambda arg:  (None, []), 
range (len (self.contents), row+1))
                self.contents[row] = (data, values)
                for col in range (0, self.cols ()):
                        self.column_resize (col)
                self.row_resize (row)
                # FIX: How to update the contents?

        def cell_set (self, row, col, val, notify = 1):
                "Set the contents of cell at ROW, COL to VAL."
                if len (self.contents) <= row:
                        raise 'Row %d is longer than number or rows (%d)' % (row, len 
                (data, rowdata) = self.contents[row]
                if col >= len (rowdata):
                        raise 'Column %d is longer than number of columns (%d)' % 
(col, len (rowdata))
                rowdata[col] = val
                for c in range (0, self.cols ()):
                        self.column_resize (c)
                self.row_resize (row)
                self.repaint (self.row_pos (row), self.col_pos (col), self.row_height 
(row), self.col_width (col), 1)
                self.update_cell (row, col)
                # FIX: How to update the contents?

        def header_top_set (self, col, title):
                "Set the header in COL to the string TITLE."
                self.header_top.setLabel (col, title)
                self.column_resize (col)

        def header_row_set (self, row, title):
                "Set the header in ROW to the string TITLE."
                self.header_left.setLabel (row, title)
                self.row_resize (row)

        # The following are used to implement this class.
        # They should be considered "internal".

        def rows (self):
                "Return the number of rows in this table."
                return self.header_left.count ()

        def row_at (self, y):
                "Return the row that is at pixel location Y."
                return min (self.header_left.sectionAt (y), self.rows ())

        def row_height (self, row):
                "Return the height, in pixels, of ROW."
                return self.header_left.sectionSize (row)

        def row_height_changed (self, row, os, ns):
                self.updateContents (0, self.row_pos (row), self.contentsWidth (), 
self.contentsHeight ())
                (width, height) = self.table_size ()
                h = self.contentsHeight ()
                self.resizeContents (width, height)
                if self.contentsHeight () < h:
                        self.repaintContents (0, h, self.contentsWidth (), h - height)
                        #self.repaintContents (0, self.contentsHeight (), 
self.contentsWidth (), h - height)
                # FIX: editor
                self.update_geometries ()

        def row_resize (self, row):
                if not self.doupdates:
                info = self.fontMetrics ()
                h = info.height ()
                for i in range (0, self.cols ()):
                        r = info.height ()
                        h = max (r, h)
                self.header_left.resizeSection (row, h + 4)

        def row_pos (self, row):
                "Return the position, in pixels, of the top of ROW."
                return self.header_left.sectionPos (row)

        def cols (self):
                "Return the number of columns in this table."
                return self.header_top.count ()

        def col_at (self, x):
                "Return the column that is at pixel location X."
                return min (self.header_top.sectionAt (x), self.cols ())

        def col_header (self, col):
                "Return the header displayed about COL."
                return self.header_top.label (col)

        def col_pos (self, col):
                "Return the position, in pixels, of the COL."
                return self.header_top.sectionPos (col)

        def column_resize (self, col):
                if not self.doupdates:
                cols = self.cols ()
                info = self.fontMetrics ()
                # Figure out how wide it should be plus enough for arrow
                # This is based on a peak at the qheader.cpp code.
                w = info.width (self.header_top.label (col)) + 16 + info.height ()/2
                for i in range (0, self.rows ()):
                        r = info.width (self.cell_text (i, col)[0])
                        w = max (r, w)
                if w + 8 != self.header_top.sectionSize (col):
                        self.header_top.resizeSection (col, w + 8)
                        self.updateContents (self.col_pos (col), 0, self.contentsWidth 
(), self.contentsHeight ())
                        #self.col_width_changed (col, self.header_top.sectionSize 
(col), w+8)

        def col_width (self, col):
                "Return the width, in pixels, of COL."
                return self.header_top.sectionSize (col)

        def col_width_changed (self, col, os, ns):
                self.updateContents (self.col_pos (col), 0, self.contentsWidth (), 
self.contentsHeight ())
                (width, height) = self.table_size ()
                w = self.contentsWidth ()
                self.resizeContents (width, height)
                if self.contentsWidth () < w:
                        self.repaintContents (width, 0, w - width + 1, 
self.contentsHeight (), 1)
                # FIX: editor
                self.update_geometries ()

        def table_size (self):
                "Return the size of the table in pixels as a tuple: (width, height)."
                width = self.col_pos (self.cols () - 1) + self.col_width (self.cols () 
- 1)
                height = self.row_pos (self.rows () - 1) + self.row_height (self.rows 
() - 1)
                return (width, height)

        def paint_empty (self, painter, x, y, width, height):
                "Clear a region."
                reg = qt.QRegion (qt.QRect (x, y, width, height))
                (tw, th) = self.table_size ()
                r = qt.QRegion (qt.QRect (qt.QPoint (0, 0), qt.QSize (tw, th)))
                reg = reg.subtract (r)
                painter.setClipRegion (reg)
                painter.fillRect (x, y, width, height, self.colorGroup().brush 
                painter.restore ()

        def cell_paint (self, painter, row, col, rect):
                "In PAINTER, draw the cell number ROW, COL located in tuple RECT (x, 
y, width, height)."
                (x, y, width, height) = rect
                x2 = width - 1
                y2 = height - 1

                # Background
                if row in self.selectlist:
                        fg_color = qt.QColorGroup.ColorRole.HighlightedText
                        bg_color = qt.QColorGroup.ColorRole.Light
                        fg_color = qt.QColorGroup.ColorRole.Text
                        bg_color = qt.QColorGroup.ColorRole.Base
                painter.fillRect (0, 0, width, height, self.colorGroup().brush 
                pen = qt.QPen (painter.pen ())
                painter.setPen (qt.Qt.gray)
                painter.drawLine (x2, 0, x2, y2)
                painter.drawLine (0, y2, x2, y2)
                #painter.setPen (fg_color)
                painter.setPen (pen)

                # If we are in the focus cell, draw indication
                if row == self.row_cur and col == self.col_cur:
                        if self.hasFocus () or self.viewport().hasFocus ():
                                painter.drawRect (0, 0, x2, y2)

                x = 0;
                #pix = qt.QPixmap pix( cellPixmap( row, col ) );
                #if ( !pix.isNull() ) {
                #    p->drawPixmap( 0, ( cr.height() - pix.height() ) / 2, pix );
                #    x = pix.width() + 2;

                (t, string) = self.cell_text (row, col)
                # Draw contents
                if string:
                        flag = qt.Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignLeft
                        flag = qt.Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignRight
                painter.drawText( x, 0, width - x, height, flag | 
qt.Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignVCenter, t)

        def cell_geometry (self, row, col):
                "Return the cell location and size in pixels: (x, y, width, height)."
                return (self.col_pos (col), self.row_pos (row), self.col_width (col), 
self.row_height (row))
        def move_redraw (self, row_new, col_new):
                "Move the currently selected item including redrawing any frames."
                # If at same spot, we don't need to change anything
                if self.row_cur == row_new and self.col_cur == col_new:
                row_old = self.row_cur
                col_old = self.col_cur
                self.update_cell (row_new, col_new)
                self.row_cur = row_new
                self.col_cur = col_new
                self.editor_position ()
                cw = self.col_width (self.col_cur)
                rh = self.row_height (self.row_cur)
                self.ensureVisible (self.col_pos (self.col_cur) + cw/2,
                                    self.row_pos (self.row_cur) + rh/2,
                                    cw/2, rh/2)
                self.update_cell (row_old, col_old)

        def move_horizontal (self, direction, focus):
                """Move left if DIRECTION < 0, right if DIRECTION > 0.  If FOCUS is 
true and we are at the edge, then move to another widget.  Relies on 
self.move_redraw() to redraw."""
                dofocus = 0
                col_new = self.col_cur
                if direction < 0:
                        if self.col_cur == 0:
                                dofocus = 1
                                col_new = self.col_cur - 1
                        if self.col_cur == self.cols() - 1:
                                dofocus = 1
                                col_new = self.col_cur + 1
                if focus and dofocus:
                        return qt.QScrollView.focusNextPrevChild (self, direction > 0)
                        #self.editor_display ()
                        #self.editor_position ()
                        self.move_redraw (self.row_cur, col_new)
                        if self.editor:
                                self.editor.selectAll ()
                        return 1

        def move_vertical (self, direction, focus):
                """Move down if DIRECTION > 0, up if DIRECTION < 0.  If FOCUS is true 
and we are at the edge, then move to another widget.  Relies on self.move_redraw() to 
                dofocus = 0
                row_new = self.row_cur
                if direction < 0:
                        if self.row_cur == 0:
                                dofocus = 1
                                row_new = self.row_cur - 1
                        if self.row_cur == self.rows () - 1:
                                dofocus = 1
                                row_new = self.row_cur + 1
                if focus and dofocus:
                        return qt.QScrollView.focusNextPrevChild (self, direction > 0)
                        #self.editor_display ()
                        #self.editor_position ()
                        self.move_redraw (row_new, self.col_cur)
                        if self.editor:
                                self.editor.selectAll ()
                        return 1

        def editor_display (self, new_text = ''):
                """If it doesn't exist, creates a QLineEdit (self.editor).  Sets the 
text of the self.editor to this cell (self.cur_row, self.cur_col) plus TEXT.  Then 
positions cell."""
                if not self.editor:
                        self.editor = qt.QLineEdit ('', self.viewport ())
                        self.connect (self.editor, qt.SIGNAL ('returnPressed()'),
                        self.editor.setFrame (0)
                self.editor_position ()
                self.editor.selectAll ()

        def editor_position (self, new_text = ''):
                if not self.editor:
                t = self.cell_text (self.row_cur, self.col_cur)[0] + new_text
                self.editor.setText (t)
                self.moveChild (self.editor, self.col_pos (self.col_cur) + 1, 
self.row_pos (self.row_cur) + 1)
                self.editor.resize (self.col_width (self.col_cur) - 2, self.row_height 
(self.row_cur) - 2)
       ()     # FIX: Move this to when it is created?
                self.editor.setFocus ()
        def editor_cancel (self):
                "Get rid of the editor without saving any results."
                if not self.editor:
                self.viewport().removeChild (self.editor)
                self.removeChild (self.editor)
                self.editor.hide ()
                del self.editor
                self.editor = None
                self.viewport().setFocus ()

        def editor_done (self):
                "Same as self.editor_save() except it moves on to the next field."
                if not self.editor:
                self.editor_save ()
                self.focusNextPrevChild (1)

        def editor_save (self):
                "User is finished with this cell.  Save the results."
                if not self.editor:
                val = repr (self.editor.text ())
                oldval = self.cell_val (self.row_cur, self.col_cur)
                if not isinstance (oldval, types.StringType):
                                val = eval (val, {}, {})
                        except (SyntaxError, OverflowError, NameError):
                self.cell_set (self.row_cur, self.col_cur, val)
                if self.update_func:
                        apply (self.update_func, (self, self.row_cur, self.col_cur))
                #self.editor_cancel ()

        def select_toggle (self, row):
                        del self.selectlist[self.selectlist.index (row)]
                except ValueError:
                        self.selectlist.append (row)
                self.repaintContents (0, self.row_pos (row), self.contentsWidth (), 
self.row_height (row), 1)

        def select_clear (self):
                for i in self.selectlist[0:]:
                        self.select_toggle (i)

        def select_notify (self, row):
                self.emit (qt.PYSIGNAL ('selectionChanged'), ())

        def select_data_get (self):
                return map (lambda i, data = self.contents: data[i][0], 

        def select_get (self):
                return self.selectlist[0:]

        def select_set (self, row):
                if row not in self.selectlist:
                        self.select_toggle (row)

        def update_enable (self, start):
                old = self.doupdates
                if start and not self.doupdates:
                        recalc = 1
                        recalc = 0
                self.doupdates = start
                if not recalc:
                        return old
                for row in range (0, self.rows ()):
                        self.row_resize (row)
                for col in range (0, self.cols ()):
                        self.column_resize (col)
                return old

        def update_cell (self, row, col):
                (x, y, width, height) = self.cell_geometry (row, col)
                r = qt.QRect (x, y, width, height)
                self.updateContents (x, y, width, height)

        def update_geometries (self):
                (width, height) = self.table_size ()
                top_offset = self.header_top.offset ()
                top_width = self.header_top.width ()
                if top_offset and width < top_offset + top_width:
                        self.horizontalScrollBar.setValue (width - top_width)

                left_offset = self.header_left.offset ()
                left_height = self.header_left.height ()
                if left_offset and height < left_offset + left_height:
                        self.verticalScrollBar().setValue (height + left_height)

                self.header_left.setGeometry (self.leftMargin () -30 + 2,
                                              self.topMargin () + 2,
                                              30, self.visibleHeight ())
                self.header_top.setGeometry (self.leftMargin () + 2, self.topMargin () 
+ 2 - self.fontMetrics ().height() - 4,
                                             self.visibleWidth (),
                                             self.fontMetrics().height() + 4)
        def sort (self, col):
                self.header_top.setSortIndicator (-1, 0)
                if self.sort_col == col:
                        self.sort_increasing = not self.sort_increasing
                        self.sort_increasing = 1
                self.header_top.setSortIndicator (col, self.sort_increasing)
                self.sort_col = col
                l = []
                row = 0
                for (data, values) in self.contents:
                        l.append ((values[col], row, data, values))
                        row = row + 1
                l.sort ()
                if not self.sort_increasing:
                        l.reverse ()
                newcontents = []
                newselectlist = []
                i = 0
                for (field, row, data, values) in l:
                        if row in self.selectlist:
                                newselectlist.append (i)
                        newcontents.append ((data, values))
                        i = i + 1
                self.contents = newcontents
                self.selectlist = newselectlist
                self.viewport().update ()
                self.emit (qt.PYSIGNAL ('sort'), (str (self.col_header (col)),))

w = None
def test ():
        global w
        app = qt.QApplication (sys.argv)
        cols = 10
        rows = 30
        w = Table (rows, cols, None, 'Table')
        w.update_enable (0)
        for i in range (0, cols):
                w.header_top_set (i, '%d' % i)
                #top.setLabel (i, 'Header %d' % i)
                #top.resizeSection (i, 100)

        for i in range (0, rows):
                w.header_row_set (i, '%d' % i)
                #left.setLabel (i, str (i))
                #left.resizeSection (i, 20)
        for row in range (0, rows):
                vals = map (lambda i, row = row, cols = cols: row * cols + i, range 
                w.cell_row_set (row, vals)
        w.update_enable (1)
        app.setMainWidget (w) ()

        return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
        print 'starting app...',
        app = test ()
        print 'done'
        app.exec_loop ()

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