Phil Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> Donald Beaudry wrote:
> > Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> 3 choices...
> - remove the file moc_sipQt.cpp then try again

That worked... for sip.

> - upgrade to Qt 2.2.0

I'd rather not.  Personally, I dont care what happens on my machine
but I'd like to put some GUIs together for people who are a bit more
particular.  They would much prefer not having to upgrade.  I thought
I read in the docs where PyQt supported many versions of Qt.  Does
this mean I need the "right" version of PyQt to support the Redhat
distributed version of Qt?  After getting past the sip issues, I am
now having trouble building PyQt even after trying a 'make rebuild-src'.
PyKDE compiles just fine but (of course) the link fails
since PyQt is around.  If upgrading Qt is the only way to get
full canvas support, I'll do it.  But...

Thanks for the help!

Donald Beaudry                                     Ab Initio Software Corp.
                                                   201 Spring Street
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      Lexington, MA 02421
                  ...So much code, so little time...

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