Hey all,

  A couple weeks back I reported two bugs, in emails titled
    strange UI behaviour in QHeader
    bug in QListView{Item} height?

Just to let you all know, these were bugs in Qt.  The first
bug (where middle and right double clicks cause a QHeader autoresize)
was fixed by them but is not in the 3.0.4 release.  Here's a patch
(you'll have to apply it by hand)

qtable.cpp ==== 
@@ -5841,6 +5841,8 @@ 
void QTableHeader::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) 
+    if ( e->button() != LeftButton ) 
+ return; 
     if ( isResizing ) { 
int p = real_pos( e->pos(), orientation() ) + offset(); 
int section = sectionAt( p ); 

The second one had incorrect expand/collapse boxes for a
hierarchical listview when I used a large image for one of the
rows.  The problem is that a value in qwindowsstyle.cpp and
qmotifstyle.cpp was computed as a loop invariant when it wasn't.
Here's the patch I just sent to trolltech for the first file --
the fix for the second file is an identical shifting of the
calculation for 'lh' inside of the
    while ( child && y < r.height() ) {

For some reason they couldn't reproduce the bug on their machine.
Using the same code on my machines produced a different display
than on theirs.  Specifically, my expand/collapse boxes were
vertically centered but theirs wasn't.  But there's no way I
could see in the code for that to happen.  Still trying to figure
that one out...  Maybe their tech support was using an old version
of the toolkit?

                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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