"John J. Lee" wrote:
> I've got as far as getting a window to appear, with an immediate
> segfault if you resize it.  However, a few problems with sip:
> 1. sip (3.0) seems not to like a few standard C++ declarations that I
> haven't seen mentioned as being problematic: *const and virtual
> destructors.  In the case of the destructors, I've just removed the
> 'virtual', and haven't run into any trouble resulting from this yet;
> OTOH, if I remove the const from a *const return type, so that sip is
> happy with it, it conflicts with the library declarations and the
> generated code won't compile.  Is there a way to work around this?

Can you give me an example of a problematic declaration?

> 2. Every time I make an small change to a sip file, make recompiles
> everything, because sip regenerates all code whether it changes or
> not.  Is there a way to prevent this, and if not, how has Jim Bublitz
> managed to retain his sanity whilst wrapping KDE? ;)

No, and I'm not sure he has. :)


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