> X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
> From: Jim Bublitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Original-Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:21:34 -0700 (PDT)
> Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:21:34 -0700 (PDT)
> On 03-Jun-02 Bret McMillan wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> > More data:
> > [bretm@zealot kde]$ hostname
> > zealot.devel.redhat.com
> > [bretm@zealot kde]$ pwd
> > /usr/include/kde
> > [bretm@zealot kde]$ grep -r KDE_VERSION .
> > ./kdeversion.h:#ifndef _KDE_VERSION_H_
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define _KDE_VERSION_H_
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION 301
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_STRING "3.0.0-10"
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_MAJOR 3
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_MINOR 0
> > ./kdeversion.h:#define KDE_VERSION_RELEASE 1
> > ./kdeversion.h:#endif // _KDE_VERSION_H_
> > ./kprotocolmanager.h:QString("Mozilla/5.0 (Konqueror/%1;
> > compatible MSIE 
> > 5.5; X11)").arg(KDE_VERSION_STRING)
> > [bretm@zealot kde]$ 
> Thanks! I'm assuming from KDE_VERSION_STRING and the RH7.3 release
> date that it's still 3.0.0, despite the '301'.
> Of course the other possible fix is to modify kdeversion.h (even
> temporarily - just while running configure). Presently configure
> only looks at the KDE_VERSION line - just change '301' to '300'.


It's 3.0.0 plus some patches. I think I may have even read on the
valhalla mailing list that it was a post 3.0.0 snapshot. Of course,
you can always look at their SRPM if you absolutely need to know all
the details.


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