On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 03:16:20PM -0400, Miller, Douglas K (JFTI) wrote:
> If you have created an object of type QCanvasText, how do you orient the
> text vertically instead of horizontally?  I've tried researching it, but I'm
> got no where.  Thanks.

The solution I found in Qt's documentation is the usage of a 2D
transformation performed through a QWMatrix class.  You can see here
how it acts upon a Widget.  Below there is a hint about applying a
QWMatrix to a QPixmap.  I don't think you can directly use a Matrix upon
a Canvas Item but you might transform the string when it has been drawn
into a pixmap, which than can be used as a QCanvasPixmap.

    MyWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
      QPainter p;                       // our painter
      QWMatrix m;                       // our transformation matrix
      m.rotate( 22.5 );                 // rotated coordinate system
      p.begin( this );                  // start painting
      p.setWorldMatrix( m );            // use rotated coordinate system
      p.drawText( 30,20, "detator" );   // draw rotated text at 30,20
      p.end();                          // painting done

A matrix specifies how to translate, scale, shear or rotate the
graphics; the actual transformation is performed by the drawing routines
in QPainter and by QPixmap::xForm().


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