> Also, Marc Schmitt did PyKDE rpms for SuSE 8.1, but I don't know
> where he's made them available. Marc?

Ehm. I thought I send an anouncemnt on 16.10.2002 where I said I uploaded the 
file to sourceforge/incoming + the specfile. As I did with sip & qt for 8.1. 
Unfortunatly, I haven't been on our sf site 
(http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=61057 ) to check it 
out.  (But I see, nothing of my files made it to there).


In the meantime Hans Peter Jansen made some files as well and posted them to 
http://lisa-gmbh.de/download.html#PyQt-RPMs . There he has the .src.rpms as 

I'll start an public discussion about the issue, to see who will put what, 
where, in order to have a common strategy.

> I also have to file my state use tax returns for the last 3
> quarters (I only owe about $50 but it's a PITA to get to). If I
> don't, I'll be finding out if the county jail has broadband -

I'm sure it has, but not on your side ... :)

Attached you'll find a patch for PyKDE, which enable compiling. Just apply it 
in your specfile. (Sorry, I have no other way in placing them somewhere 
else). I haven't tested them yet, but they should work. Hans Peter made it.


Attachment: PyKDE-3.3.2-KDE-3.4.diff.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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