On 19-Nov-02 greg Landrum wrote:
> [PyQt-3.3.2, qt-3.0.5, RH8.0, Python-2.2.1]
> The attached file constructs a simple widget using a QTable.
> It also attempts to:
> 1) limit selection to a single cell
> 2) allow moving of columns and rows
> as near as I can tell, neither 1) nor 2) work.
> Is this a known Qt problem (I couldn't find any reports of it) or
> a PyQt thing?

setSelectionMode works, and you appear to it coded correctly.
I've never used setRow/ColumnMovingEnabled. Usually I load the
column and row labels into Python lists, set the number of rows and
columns once from the list lengths, and then set all of the labels
in a loop. I can't see why the extra calls would make a difference

What kind of symptoms are you getting (eg nothing works at all, get
full row selected instead of single cell, rows drag but don't drop,
etc)? The only other thing I can think of at the moment is to make
sure the QTable gets focus (look at focusPolicy, setFocus in the
Qt docs). 


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