On Thursday 21 November 2002 4:45 pm, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> On 21-Nov-02 Phil Thompson wrote:
> > Strange. I haven't noticed anything from you other than your
> > postings to the list - but I obviously noticed this one.
> It wasn't anything that important - I've been helping someone build
> some sip modules for a commercial widget derived from Qt, and a
> question came up about library naming that I couldn't find the
> answer to in the Python docs:
> We do something like:
> libname:       libqtcmodule.so
> in qt.py:      import libqtc
> But apparently "libqtc.so" will also work and ends up with either
> the same import statement or an "as libqtc" tacked on the end. I
> was just wondering what the rules were here, if any, or if you had
> a reference in the Py docs.

I can't remember off hand. I suspect that backwards compatibility with older 
Pythons plays a part.


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