Hi there,

OK, thanks to some pointers from some of you and an earlier thread on this mailing list, I get past my first QScintilla problem. I followed this advice:


and added $QTDIR/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf (shouldn't the build process handle this somehow?)

...and got qtext with qscintilla support to import properly. However, now I have another problem.

Hey! this advise was supposed to be mine! :-)

When I run the eric installer now, I get:
 Sorry, you must have PyQt 3.6 or snapshot-20021217 or higher.
 PyQt 3.6 doesn't seem to exist, so I downloaded the following:
 sip snapshot 20030306
pyqt snapshot 20030309
qscintilla 20030309

I didn't catch you before reinstalling PyQt :-( Here is how i installed the latest eric-snapshot-20030309 using:

--- sip-x11-gpl-3.5
--- qscintilla-1.49-x11-gpl-0.3
--- PyQt-x11-gpl-3.5

I had to comment some code from eric's sources and limit it's functionality a little bit :-(

The changes i made are:

file install.py
--- line 289 was changed to: if maj < 3 or (maj == 3 and min < 5):
   Now it's happy with PyQt v3.5.0 ;-)

file QScintilla/Editor.py
--- line 13 was changed to:
from qtext import QextScintilla#, QextScintillaPrinter
In the version of qscintilla i'm using it doesn't seem to exist a "QextScintillaPrinter"
Check this if you want, if you find it this is not necessary...

--- line 20 was completely commented: #from Printer import Printer
This is the class that uses "QextScintillaPrinter" which is now commented.
Ofcourse, this (and the following two) change depends on qscintilla too.

--- line 522, method printFile of class Editor: changed it so that it returns immediately upon calling.

--- line 548, method printSelection of class Editor: changed it so that it returns immediately upon calling

After that eric was installed (and run too) with no trouble at all. So unless you need to print your code with eric (i can live with printing disabled), this is a quick (and also an ugly) solution.

I hope i helped and that you won't have to recompile the whole [EMAIL PROTECTED] damn library ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" goes to the time i needed to compile it on my poor pc until i got the advise you mention - 3 installations...)


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