I thought this might be of interest to many of you.

We've been trying to gather up a few people to and revive the
floundering SQLAlchemy migrations project.  There's actually some
pretty good code there already, it just needs a bit of love and
tenderness to get it up to date wth SQLALchemy 0.4.

It would be a huge benefit to have a clear story to tell in the python
world about how to do agile database development, or just how to
manage database upgrades as your application evolves.

If you feel up to it, join the mailing list,
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) look over the code, ask some
questions, and get involved.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 2, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: Migrate: svndump loaded into google code project?

> I just loaded Evan's svndump into the shiny new google code repository
> at: http://sqlalchemy-migrate.googlecode.com/svn/
> Now everything is ready to start the work on reviving migrate.

Thanks Jan!

Just a reminder, I think we should work on getting the monkey patch
removal branch working with 0.3.10 first.

I think someone may have even completed this work, if so now would be
a great time to check that in. ;)

Once that's done I would propose moving that branch to trunk and
working on making it 0.4 ready.


Mark Ramm-Christensen
email: mark at compoundthinking dot com
blog: www.compoundthinking.com/blog

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