Ian Bicking wrote:

>> There's a reason controllers have "from myapp.lib.base import *".
>> It's to ensure that every controller has a certain baseline of  
>> objects
>> available.  Better than importing 30 symbols into every controller  
>> and
>> then you have to look at the import stanzas carefully to see if one
>> controller has this, or is missing it, or importing stuff it's not
>> using.  It also makes controllers harder to print out if half the
>> first page is imports.
> For several of the symbols using dotted notation wouldn't be a big  
> deal.
> Controller itself is only used once in a controller file, to subclass
> it.  It could just be base.Controller.  It would take some sorting out
> to figure out exactly how to set that up, since they are all in base  
> now.

I was just about to suggest this very thing.  I view:

     from myapp.lib import base

as a huge improvement over:

     from myapp.lib.base import *

Its far easier to track your local namespace when you have no "import *"
madness, which is usually only reserved for my interactive prompt.

>> Anyway, this is all what I was told as I was learning Pylons.  "Put
>> things for all controllers in the base controller."  "Put generic
>> functions in 'h' that are called by both controllers and templates."
>> "One-letter globals are great."  "Use 'abort' and 'redirect_to' and
>> 'model' and 'cache' and 'etag_cache'; they're preconfigured for
>> you."  Now we're saying that what was good is bad.  War is peace.
>> Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.
> Why aren't abort and redirect_to methods on the controller?

Good idea.

> I think everything that is a SOP right now could hang off a single
> request SOP.  I personally would prefer that; I think it makes all
> this stuff much more clear.  It's easy to remember that the request
> object is per-request -- heck, it's obvious once you write it down.
> That its attributes like session are also per-request is then also
> obvious.

<snip, snip...>

> And a name "context" doesn't mean much.  It doesn't mean a whole lot
> more than "c", but it pretends to mean more.

I hadn't thought of any of this before, but I really like the concept.
It seems to me that `context` is certainly better than `c` but you
are right that it doesn't really convey the fact that its essentially
request local state.  My personal preference, after hearing your ideas,
would be:

     pylons.c       -> pylons.request.state
     pylons.session -> pylons.request.session
     pylons.g       -> pylons.request.app_globals

The only excuse I can think of for single-character variables is that
it allows you to type a little less, but if thats your main concern,
you might as well switch to Perl.  I hear they have lots of shortcuts
over there ;) Finally, even if the names switch over to "context" and
"app_global", what's to prevent you from doing this:

     from pylons import context as c, app_global as g

You'll still have your shortcut, but the more sane variable names can
still be used and referenced in all core Pylons code, examples, and

Jonathan LaCour

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