On Dec 15, 12:13 pm, Chris McDonough <chr...@plope.com> wrote:
> I'm considering making a fairly major terminology change to the Pyramid
> docs.  I'd like to consider renaming the term "model" to "resource" in
> the docs.

-0 to renaming -1 to resource

> Why "resource"?  Well, a URL is a "universal resource locator", and
> traversal could indeed be used to locate a resource in this sense.

Only the entire url represents a resource. Because http://example.com/foo/bar
is a valid resource does not mean that http://example.com/foo is.
Implying each segment is a resource would be confusing.
> not a 100% correct mapping of terminology, because an HTTP resource is
> the body of the HTTP response,

The response AFAIU is a representation (R as in REST) of a resource.

> But it's closer than "model".

Closer by folding the map incorrectly:)

> Does anyone strongly agree or strongly disagree with this?

I am not adverse to renaming, but I think it needs to be definitive
and concise enough to prevent more questions from arising than it
would solve. I don't think 'resource' meets those criteria.


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