On 2011-01-14 19:53:58 -0800, Mike Orr said:

Hi all, I'm starting an article on Pyramid for Pylons 1 users,
focusing on the differences between the frameworks and how to do
familiar things in Pyramid. It'll also cover add-on stuff like forms
and auth, or at least list the alternatives available.

I'm wondering if there are any particular questions people would like
included. If so, please email them to me.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

Here's a good question for inclusion:

Other than the additional step of resolving the 'view' associated with a 'resource', which seems like a great idea, how does dictionary-based resource resolution differ from object dispatch?

From what I've seen in blog posts—overriding the dictionary lookup
method—it seems a little too close to object dispatch where you have straight-up attribute lookup—allowing override using __getattr__ and usually some combination of __default__ (effectively __getattr__ with extra arguments) and __lookup__ (redirecting the dispatch by returning a new object to inspect).

        - Alice.

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