Pyramid 1.0b1 has been released to PyPI.  "Beta" status means Pyramid
has gone into feature freeze, and only bugfixes will precede a 1.0 final
release.  Please try out this release and provide critique of its
documentation; it's effectively a release candidate.

To install:

   easy_install pyramid

To upgrade from an earlier release:

   easy_install -U pyramid

The documentation at
has been updated.

A "Whats New in Pyramid 1.0" document has been added to the
documentation which summarizes its differences from its ancestor,
repoze.bfg 1.3:

Special thanks for this release goes to Blaise Laflamme, who seems to
bail the development team out of problems every day in some important

The changelog follows:

1.0b1 (2011-01-21)


- The AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy now accepts a ``tokens`` parameter
  via ````.  The value must be a sequence of
  strings.  Tokens are placed into the auth_tkt "tokens" field and
  returned in the auth_tkt cookie.

- Add ``wild_domain`` argument to AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, which
  defaults to ``True``.  If it is set to ``False``, the feature of the
  policy which sets a cookie with a wilcard domain will be turned off.

- Add a ```` file to each paster template. See

Bug Fixes

- ``testing.setUp`` now adds a ``settings`` attribute to the registry
  (both when it's passed a registry without any settings and when it
  creates one).

- The ``testing.setUp`` function now takes a ``settings`` argument,
  which should be a dictionary.  Its values will subsequently be
  available on the returned ``config`` object as


- Added "What's New in Pyramid 1.0" chapter to HTML rendering of

- Merged caseman-master narrative editing branch, many wording fixes
  and extensions.

- Fix deprecated example showing ``chameleon_zpt`` API call in testing
  narrative chapter.

- Added "Adding Methods to the Configurator via ``add_directive``"
  section to Advanced Configuration narrative chapter.

- Add docs for ``add_finished_callback``, ``add_response_callback``,
  ``route_path``, ``route_url``, and ``static_url`` methods to
  ``pyramid.request.Request`` API docs.

- Add (minimal) documentation about using I18N within Mako templates
  to "Internationalization and Localization" narrative chapter.

- Move content of "Forms" chapter back to "Views" chapter; I can't
  think of a better place to put it.

- Slightly improved interface docs for ``IAuthorizationPolicy``.

- Minimally explain usage of custom regular expressions in URL
  dispatch replacement markers within URL Dispatch chapter.


- Using the ``pyramid.view.bfg_view`` alias for
  ``pyramid.view.view_config`` (a backwards compatibility shim) now
  issues a deprecation warning.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- When a ``pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden`` error is raised, its status
  code now ``403 Forbidden``.  It was previously ``401 Unauthorized``,
  for backwards compatibility purposes with ``repoze.bfg``.  This
  change will cause problems for users of Pyramid with ``repoze.who``,
  which intercepts ``401 Unauthorized`` by default, but allows ``403
  Forbidden`` to pass through.  Those deployments will need to
  configure ``repoze.who`` to also react to ``403 Forbidden``.

- The default value for the ``cookie_on_exception`` parameter to
  ``pyramid.session.UnencyrptedCookieSessionFactory`` is now ``True``.
  This means that when view code causes an exception to be raised, and
  the session has been mutated, a cookie will be sent back in the
  response.  Previously its default value was ``False``.

Paster Templates

- The ``pyramid_zodb``, ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` and
  ``pyramid_alchemy`` paster templates now use a default "commit veto"
  hook when configuring the ``repoze.tm2`` transaction manager in
  ``development.ini``.  This prevents a transaction from being
  committed when the response status code is within the 400 or 500
  ranges.  See also

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