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On 01/30/2011 09:04 AM, Wade Leftwich wrote:
> If you want to stick with Traversal, don't forget that you have
> request.subpath available to you. For the path "/blog/archive/
> 2011/01/29/my-post-about-pyramid", you could have an Archive context
> whose default (unnamed) view  would be called with a request that
> included request.subpath = ['2011', '01', '29', 'my-post-about-
> pyramid'].

Other traversal-based strategies:

- - an 'archive' view registered for  the blog context (assuming you don't
  otherwise need the 'archive' context).

- - add non-persistent placeholder objects to your app to take advantage
  of traversal's use of '__getitem__'.  This solution allows you write
  views for the "transient" context classes, even though they aren't in
  your database.  E.g., something like:

- --------------------------- %< ---------------------
class Blog:
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key == 'archive':
            return Archive(self)
        return super(Blog, self).__getitem__(key)

class Archive:
    __name__ = 'archive'
    YEARS = range(2010, 2100)
    def __init__(self, blog):
        self.__parent__ = self.blog = blog
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            year = int(key)
        except TypeError:
            raise KeyError(key)
        if year not in self.YEARS:
            raise KyeError(key)
        return ArchiveYear(self, year)

class ArchiveYear:
    __name__ = 'archive'
    MONTHS = range(1, 12)
    def __init__(self, archive, year):
        self.__parent__ = archive
        self.__name__ = str(year)
        self.blog = archive.blog
        self.year = year
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            mnnth = int(key)
        except TypeError:
            raise KeyError(key)
            # or, return self.blog.entries[key]
        if month not in self.MONTHS:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return ArchiveMonth(self, month)

class ArchiveMonth:
    __name__ = 'archive'
    MONTHS = range(1, 12)
    def __init__(self, year, month):
        self.__parent__ = year
        self.__name__ = str(month)
        self.blog = year.blog
        self.month = month
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.blog.entries[key]

- --------------------------- %< ---------------------

> The view would then call a method on the Archive context using
> arguments constructed from the request.subpath. The Archive would in
> turn make a single call to Mongo. A path like '/blog/archive/2011/01'
> would require some logic in the view, to choose a different Archive
> method and a different template to show a listing of posts for
> January, or perhaps redirect to /blog/month/2011/01 .
> So if you are using Traversal in this way, the logic for parsing the
> path lives in the view and/or the context. With URL Dispatch it's in
> the configuration.

Agreed.  I find the traversal stuff much easier to test on this account.
 The fact that I find it easier to think about is likely due to the warp
in my brain from years of heavy Zope usage. ;)

- -- 
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tsea...@palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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