Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

It may be installed via:

  easy_install pyramid

Existing installs can be updated via:

  easy_install -U pyramid

The 1.0 release documentation exists at

for an overview of the difference between Pyramid 1.0 and (the older)
repoze.bfg 1.3.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this release possible.

The change log (vs. the previous 1.0b3 release) follows:

1.0 (2011-01-30)


- Fixed bug in ZODB Wiki tutorial (missing dependency on
  ``docutils`` in "models" step within ````).

- Removed API documentation for ``pyramid.testing`` APIs named
  ``registerDummySecurityPolicy``, ``registerResources``,
  ``registerModels``, ``registerEventListener``,
  ``registerTemplateRenderer``, ``registerDummyRenderer``,
  ``registerView``, ``registerUtility``, ``registerAdapter``,
  ``registerSubscriber``, ``registerRoute``, and

- Moved "Using ZODB With ZEO" and "Using repoze.catalog Within
  Pyramid" tutorials out of core documentation and into the Pyramid
  Tutorials site

- Changed "Cleaning up After a Request" section in the URL Dispatch
  chapter to use ``request.add_finished_callback`` instead of
  jamming an object with a ``__del__`` into the WSGI environment.

- Remove duplication of ``add_route`` API documentation from URL
  Dispatch narrative chapter.

- Remove duplication of API and narrative documentation in
  ``pyramid.view.view_config`` API docs by pointing to
  ``pyramid.config.add_view`` documentation and narrative chapter

- Removed some API documentation duplicated in narrative portions of

- Removed "Overall Flow of Authentication" from SQLAlchemy + URL
  Dispatch wiki tutorial due to print space concerns (moved to
  Pyramid Tutorials site).

Bug Fixes

- Deprecated-since-BFG-1.2 APIs from ``pyramid.testing`` now
  properly emit deprecation warnings.

- Added ``egg:repoze.retry#retry`` middleware to the WSGI pipeline
  in ZODB templates (retry ZODB conflict errors which occur in
  normal operations).

- Removed duplicate implementations of ``is_response``.  Two
  competing implementations existed: one in ``pyramid.config`` and
  one in ``pyramid.view``.  Now the one defined in ``pyramid.view``
  is used internally by ``pyramid.config`` and continues to be
  advertised as an API.

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