On 2/22/11 10:12 , Chris Withers wrote:
Hi All,

Suppose I have a user object that behaves something like:

class User:

def __init__(self,name,password):
self.name,self.password = name,password

def authenticate(self,password):
return self.password==password

def allowed(self,permission):
... stuff ...

Now, for the sake of argument, lets say this object is expensive to
obtain from its persistent storage, which I suspect may often be the

It feels like in order to do both authentication and authorisation, I
need to obtain this user two or three times, once in the authentication
middlewear, once in the authentication policy and once in the
authorization policy.

If, say, I instantiate this user in the authentication middlewear,
where's there "right" place to put this user object so that I don't have
to instantiate it again when I need it for the authentication and
authorization policies?

Either the environ or stick it on the request.


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