On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Can't we have a default pyramid generator (and well, webob based
>>> frameworks) in WebHelpers who use the request.path to generate the url
>>> ?
>>> So you can use Page.pager(request=request)
>> Yep, that was the thought for the next iteration.
> That's something I hadn't seen, passing a (WebOb-compatible) request
> to the pager method rather than to the constructor. That might be a
> solution.

Or rather, it would solve the "/index?page=2" problem.  It wouldn't
solve the "/index/page/2" problem, which requires knowledge of a
specific router.

webhelpers.paginate already has two framework-specific mechanisms
hardwired into it, which is against the spirit of a generic helper. I
was going to put a derivative in pyramid_sqla (or rather its
descendant Akhet, which I'll release in a week or so), which could be
Pyramid-specific and could also remove the other hardwired mechanisms.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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