On 2011-03-24 13:59:16 -0700, Daniel Holth said:

Proposal: import eventlet

Done! Invented in 1963, coroutines let me use WSGI asynchronously without rewriting anything. What could be sweeter?

Cross-platform, cross-implementation. (Both re: the greenlet C extension.)

Python 3 support, esp. now that we have PEP 3333.

Something that's officially out of beta status.  (See the pypi page.)

Something that doesn't require hideous monkey patching.

Something light-weight. (Core is 7K SLoC in 76 files… and unit tests fail badly on my system.)

Something better maintained.  (http://blog.gevent.org/2010/02/27/why-gevent/)

Something with fewer new & open substantive issues. (https://bitbucket.org/which_linden/eventlet/issues?status=new&status=open)

everyone can agree on.  ;)

Feel free to correct me on any of the above points, though I'm aware that the use of greenlet is optional via a installation-time command line argument.

        — Alice.

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