Hello friends,

Newcomer here to pylons and python! So far I really like what I see
and would like to start developing some applications using pylons.

I was going through the QuickWiki tutorial at
http://pylonshq.com/docs/0.9.5/quick_wiki.html#introduction and I seem
to be stuck with a minor issue. I want to use mssql as the database
(I'm a contractor and cannot avoid using mssql sometimes).  Anyway,
SQLAlchemy has support for 3 mssql drivers, pyodbc being the best of
them all. I set everything up and ran it in the python shell:

from sqlalchemy import *
import pyodbc
db = create_engine('mssql://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/quickwiki_test',

I created a test table, and everything was successful.

Now, back to the QuickWiki tutorial, I followed the directions and
created a test.ini file. In this file is a sqlalchemy.dburi config
parameter, which I assume is the first parameter of the create_engine
method. My question is, how do I tell pylons to use module=pyodbc ? Is
there some other config parameter that I can set?

Thank you very much,

Jin Lee

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