
I am working on my first real Pylons application and so far everything
is going really good!  Big thanks to all those involved for creating
such a great web framework.

I am just getting to adding users to my application.  I want to stop
users from viewing data that isn't their own.  My gut reaction is to
abort() and setup my error controller to display the error in a way
that fits in with the rest of my application (using my Mako
templates).  But I want to give the user a specific message about why
they can't go there.

So, I tried:

abort(403, "Can't access another users data")

The second argument is "detail" which gets passed to the
paste.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden object and thrown.  This seems like
a really useful place to keep an application specific message.
However, when the exception is converted to wsgi response by the
paste.httpexceptions middleware, this information is lost.  So, that
isn't going to work.

My questions are:

 (1) Is the exception object stored anywhere?  It would be great if it
was dropped into the environ somewhere, but best I can tell from the
paste source code, it isn't.

 (2) Is there a better way to do this?  I imagine having lots of
errors like this with simple one line messages.  I could create my own
middleware to catch application specific exceptions and forward them,
but this seems like overkill.  Is there a suggested way to accomplish

Thanks in advance!

David Snopek.

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