On 9/5/07, Marcin Kasperski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anybody tried merging pylons techniques with twisted?
> In general it should be possible as twisted contains WSGI
> container...
> Twisted has its own offerings (nevow), but
> I am not truly happy with them...

It's certainly worth assessing what would be required to make Pylons
work with Twisted, or to make a Pylons application that works both
under Twisted and the traditional WSGI servers.  Nevow and the other
Twisted frameworks are very different from what people looking for a
Rails-like framework with a "normal" template language would be
willing to use, plus Twisted's Deferreds and callbacks are enough to
make many other programmers run screaming from the room.  Also, the
Deferreds require a compatible event handler (reactor), which would
make the application incompatible with a non-Twisted server.  But
given that the other megaframeworks have not yet been ported to
Twisted, we could be the first!

Twisted Web 1 had a WSGI server, but it was buggy and wasn't ported to
Twisted Web 2.  That would be the first hurdle.  Searching for "wsgi"
at twistedmatrix.com brings several results suggesting that WSGI
support is still in pre-alpha state.


> Concerns? Well, apart from necessity to put some work, I feel that in
> pylons world multitasking=multithreading.

I'm sure that was never meant to be a requirement.  Pylons apps should
work under multiprocess servers, and if they don't (e.g., session
locking), this should be fixed.  Generally, making a program thread
safe is a superset of making it multiprocess safe, so I assume this
has already been done.  But asynchronous servers raise a third set of
issues which we perhaps haven't addressed...

> What need not to be a case
> in twisted context. Many twisted tasks may run within the same thread,
> sharing the same threadlocal in spite of being separate simultaneous
> tasks...

The WSGI support they're working on seems to run the application in a
separate thread, in which case Pylons could block or spawn child
threads like it normally does.  It would be Twisted WSGI's
responsibility to defer for the return value and to handle the
start_response callback somehow.

The first question that comes to my mind is, would the Pylons app be a
long-running application or would it be re-instantiated for every
request? The latter would incur overhead.  Does Twisted WSGI know how
to instantiate an application class and then call the instance, or is
it expecting an actual function to call?

If you want to run a Pylons application directly under Twisted -- not
in a separate thread -- several other issues come up.  You may have to
write a custom interface, patch Pylons and Beaker, etc.

Coming back to the issue of running several tasks asynchronously in
the same thread, this comes down to proper scoping.  Each Pylons
request is a "scope" containing the request/response/c/session/cache,
etc.  Requests belong to application instances, each with a config
dict and 'g' variable.  (This is called "request scope" vs
"application scope".)  We already have the possibility of two Pylons
applications -- or two instances of the same Pylons application --
running simultaneously in the same process via paste.composite or
whatever it's called.  Pylons is apparently fine with this because
this scenario has been known for a while.  The only issue that has
been that it *may* require a custom app_scope function for SQLAlchemy:
a function that returns some kind of application ID.  (There was
debate about whether this was necessary to prevent SQLAlchemy sessions
from being shared between applications.  Given that every request
resets the session to its initial state, and the request monopolizes
the thread during its entire lifetime, it may not matter if
thread-local sessions are used serially by different applications.
See the bottom of "SQLAlchemy 0.4 for people in a hurry" in the Pylons
wiki for details.)

The issue for Pylons in an asynchronous environment is, do the
StackedObjectProxies return the appropriate
request/response/c/g/session/cache for the current request.  I don't
know the answer to that.  Given that the request determines the
application, perhaps these all could be keyed on id(request), but it
may be a headache to pass the ID around within Pylons and to the

The other issue is where Pylons or typical applications do I/O
blocking.  My first guess is at the socket I/O, which Twisted would
handle, and in SQLAlchemy database queries.  Twisted apps use a
special DBAPI wrapper
Given its callback-style queries and separate connection pool, I don't
see how you'd integrate it with SQLAlchemy.  Perhaps you could use
parts of it; e.g., manually create a ResultProxy from a DBAPI
cursor,or write a function that takes a query and returns a

If all file operations are considered "blocking" too, that would
affect Beaker sessions, Beaker caching, and Mako's template caching.

So it definitely would be much easier to get Twisted WSGI working so
that it can run a non-Twisted application in a thread, and make sure
it can call a long-running app (returned by
myapp.config.middleware.make_app) repeatedly, with each call in its
own thread.  This would bypass Paste's ThreadPool if I understand
correctly (which is tied to PasteHTTPServer), so Twisted would be
doing all the thread management unless your application or libraries
spawned its own threads.  The alternative, making Pylons and its
dependencies into a non-blocking Twisted application, would be much
more work, and it may not be possible without making incompatible
changes that would break Pylons' normal usage.


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