On 2 oct, 04:17, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form that I use to capture and display user data, I would
> like the user to submit the form, a controller saves the data and re-
> render the filled in data in the same form,  so I just redirect the
> form to itself, strangely this does not work,

"does not work" is one of the worst possible description of a problem.
What happens ? 1/ Does your computer crash ? 2/ Is your hd
reformatted ? 3/ Or is it just (wild guess) that you're getting an
empty form ?

> is this the wrong way to
> do this?

If you answered 3/ to the above question, then either there's a
problem in your code or you don't quite get what "redirect" means.
Anyway, without a more complete explanation of the problem and a
minimal code sample reproducing the problem, it will be hard to


> Thanks

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