I'm just going to continue using this post as my personal notepad, and
add a couple more useful resources I've managed to dig up in the last

Unfortunately I'm still not 100% sure how paste works, but perhaps
it's OK to leave that as a black box for now.

On Jan 23, 3:28 pm, kettle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thought I'd also add that it would be awesome if something like the
> diagram below were posted prominently somewhere near the beginning of
> the pylons docs!
> On Jan 23, 3:17 pm, kettle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, so immediately following this lengthy post, I got to thinking,
> > maybe I just haven't been searching for the right keywords.  I found
> > this, which is pretty much exactly what I was droning on about in the
> > preceding paragraphs:http://spacepants.org/blog/pylons-paste-stack
> > This is pretty much Exactly what I was looking for.  I suppose the
> > only addition I'd make in my own case would be to add my apache
> > configuration as one more box at the bottom of the stack.
> > Certainly writing the post was helpful for me though, and perhaps it
> > will be of use to others in search of something similar.
> > Cheers!
> > On Jan 23, 3:10 pm, kettle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >   I'm looking for a clear, simple 10,000 foot overview of how pylons
> > > and its various components work together, preferably with some snazzy
> > > diagrams to point out things like client<-->server request flows and
> > > relationships between the various pylons components.
> > >   As a brief introduction, I've been using pylons for a couple of
> > > months now, both for personal enrichment, and as part of what has
> > > become my defacto 'lead web developer' role at the small company where
> > > I work.  I am fairly effective with the framework now, and have grown
> > > to like it quite a bit, despite my initial, overblown reservations
> > > about having to learn python.
> > >   However, I still find that when I am asked specific questions about
> > > how pylons works, and how it processes requests in combination with a
> > > general purpose webserver like apache2, I don't quite now how to
> > > answer.  Furthermore, I don't think I could draw a proper flow diagram
> > > which describes the path by which a client-side request is eventually
> > > processed by the appriate controller, and served using the
> > > corresponding template.
> > >   My intuition in this regard, given my company's current setup, is to
> > > respond with something like,
> > > "After our apache rewrite rule and proxy setup forward the client's
> > > request to${pagename} the request url
> > > is processed according to the map.connect directives in routing.py.
> > > Once the appropriate map.connect directive is determined, this is used
> > > to look up the corresponding controller, and the appropriate action
> > > and/or view, if specified.  The action, which is simply a function of
> > > above controller class, then either returns raw html, or attempts to
> > > render a template if specified.(this leaves out concerns about other
> > > components like the model...)"
> > > however, this 'understanding' is largely something I've come up with
> > > as a result of a little bit of early tutoring, which probably came too
> > > early, combined with a lot of tinkering, and I'm still not at all
> > > confident that it is complete, or even sufficiently accurate as it
> > > stands.
> > > Of course, I've also read through the basic documentation and
> > > tutorials on the main pylons 
> > > site:http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonsdocs/Home
> > > These documents are very well written, easy to understand and easy to
> > > follow, however to my mind they only provide a component-wise
> > > explanation of all the various parts of pylons.  This gives one an
> > > excellent understanding of where one ought to go, and what files one
> > > needs to edit in order to realize various different changes in an
> > > application, but dolt that I am, even after having read through the
> > > majority of these I still don't feel very well-informed as to how the
> > > various components actually interact, how paste really fits in, and
> > > how a client-side request is actually processed.
> > > I'll be the first to admit that this is probably be something that
> > > real developers, with comp-sci backgrounds simply take for granted,
> > > but it seems that it ought to be fairly simple to come up with a
> > > definitive diagram, or flow chart, which would once and for all help
> > > me, and others in my situation cement this information in our brains,
> > > and thereby enable us to buttress our otherwise prosaic and perhaps
> > > inaccurate explanations with a bit of accurate info which even a
> > > completely non-tech manager can quickly digest.
> > > My current approach, which combines explanations similar to the above,
> > > with extemporaneous tactical evasions: "Well I can't completely
> > > explain the process, but give me a few minutes and I'll whip up an
> > > example." doesn't strike me as particularly inspirational, so I'd very
> > > much like to fill in the remaining gaps both for my own sake and for
> > > others!
> > > Apologies for the long-winded post, but I thought it was finally time
> > > to get this outstanding mental glitch fixed up.
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