It's not 100% accurate to say I'm running Unix.  I'm currently on a
Windows XP box, running MSys, a tiny Unix uh, "subset"?  - developed
mainly for those who need a minimal, bare-bones Unix environment
mainly for when they want to use some software package or other and a
Windows binary is not available and they need to compile from source
using something other than the M$ compiler.  MSys allows opening a
shell window with a limited subset of the commands you'd expect.

Netstat is available, with several options, but -l, -t, or -lt are not
among them.

The output of ps -ef:
$ ps -ef
    Eric    2808       1 con    Feb 22 /usr/bin/rxvt
    Eric    1508    2808   0    Feb 22 /usr/bin/sh
    Eric    1360    1508   0  22:19:17 /h/Python25/python
    Eric    5260       1 con  08:54:44 /usr/bin/rxvt
    Eric    6736    5260   1  08:54:45 /usr/bin/sh
    Eric    7368    6736   1  08:57:24 /usr/bin/ps

Hmm.  Tried various other options to netstat, like netstat -b.  Can't
find port 5000 in the local address column in any case.  I am using
Firefox to view my site (with Firebug enabled, if that makes a
difference) and I reach my site at

None of this is actually presenting a problem for me; I'm just curious
what's up.

My guess is this Msys setup is wrapping the paster process somehow.
When I look at my Windows task manager / process viewer, I suspect the
lines that show up with "sh.exe" as the process name are probably the
ones for the mini-shell.  Maybe I'll try killing those and see that
kills paster as well.  Though on the other hand, wouldn't that be
about the same thing as manually closing the shell window the other

Thanks for your helpful reply.

On Feb 23, 6:41 am, Christopher Abiad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> This is strange behaviour you're noticing. It doesn't match my
> experience with Pylons or other Unix network services. I suspect that
> you might have had paster running in another window or that you had a
> daemonized (background) version running. Since you're running Unix,
> the easiest way to be sure if paste is still serving or if you're
> dealing with your browser's cache behaviour is to use the 'netstat'
> command. You can use the 'ps' command to verify whether paste is still
> running.
> With Pylons serving on port 5000, you should see the output similar to
> the following when you run the commands with the args shown below.
> Take a look at the man pages for netstat and ps for more information
> on these arguments. The output below is from a copy of Ubuntu Linux
> 7.10:
> $ netstat -lt
> Active Internet connections (only servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> State
> tcp        0      0 *:5000                  *:*
> <<Probably some additional lines here>>
> $ ps -ef | grep paste
> $USER    6554  6410  5 09:25 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/
> bin/paster serve --reload development.ini
> $USER    6555  6554 13 09:25 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/
> bin/paster serve --reload development.ini
> $USER    6572  6452  0 09:25 pts/1    00:00:00 grep paste
> Now, here is the output of those same commands when paste has been
> terminated:
> $ netstat -lt
> Active Internet connections (only servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
> State
> <<No lines with :5000 in the 'Local Address' column>>
> $ ps -ef | grep paste
> cabiad    6709  6452  0 09:32 pts/1    00:00:00 grep paste
> If you can verify that paste is not running and that refreshing your
> browser still allows you to access the site that paste was serving, I
> would try the following:
> - Ensure that you're actually connected to the right host and the same
> port number that paste reports to be serving on. This might mean
> connecting via an IP address (e.g., not a host name and
> verifying if using a host name that the name you're using is actually
> pointing at the IP address you expect it to
> - Hold down shift while you click the refresh button in your browser.
> This should force it to download a new version of the page.
> - Try restarting your browser and connecting again.
> If all of this fails, and you can still access the pages, it would be
> helpful to know which browser you're using and its version.
> Chris
> On Feb 22, 11:32 am, Eric Ongerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > While learning to use Pylons, on occasion I've noticed that my site in
> > development still responds to http even after I have pressed Ctrl-C in
> > the shell window in which I was running paster serve --reload
> > development.ini.
> > At first I figured that it was just a result of caching behavior...
> > although it did seem that I could click links to pages I hadn't viewed
> > in a long time (pages I would not expect to still be cached) and they
> > would display too.  But then I noticed that even if I not only press
> > Ctrl-C but also close the shell window, paster still seemed to be
> > running.
> > Last night I pressed Ctrl-C, exited the shell and closed its window,
> > and went to bed.  Got up in the morning and my development site still
> > responded not only to clicking from link to link within it, but also
> > to forced reloads (Ctrl-F5), and it was still reloading pages and
> > rendering templates after I edited and updated their contents.  This
> > worked for a couple of hours before it finally stopped and I had to
> > actually open a new shell and start paster again.
> > Where can I read up on this behavior?  I'm just recently restarting my
> > study of unix, linux, etc after 15 years with my head in the sand.
> > Thanks!
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