On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Alberto Valverde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justin Tulloss wrote:
>> (....)
>> In addition,
>> it's very difficult to inspect the object that an SOP refers to since
>> it obfuscates the object's __dict__.
> This trick can help:
> req = pylons.request._current_obj() # get current request object wrapped
> by SOP
> print dir(req)
> Again, it's just a matter of documentation IMHO.

It's not "just" documentation.  Fundamentally it behaves differently
from a normal Python object, so you have to memorize not only the
._current_obj() syntax but also which methods require it and which
don't.  So it's not a very good proxy.  But at least it follows the
80/20 rule of proxying ordinary access if you know what you're looking
for.  But it falls apart when you don't know what you're looking for,
which is why you typed dir(request).  You get a bunch of unfamiliar
methods instead of what you were expecting.  So you call help(request)
and find out it's a StackedObjectProxy... but nowhere does it say to
call request._current_obj() to get the real object.

Somehow help(config) prints help for the real object while
help(request) doesn't.  I wonder why that is.

> [1] By pseudo WSGI middleware I mean middleware that is not really WSGI
> middleware since middleware should be transparent to the application it
> wraps, that is, if it's missing from the stack then the application
> could not care less about it. These are more like a fancy function
> decorator which usually sets setup some context for some library
> downstream that needs it, for example: toscawidgets, beaker, etc...

In other words, the most useful middleware.  It's much too late to
call these "framework component objects" when thousands of people have
learned that a middleware is anything that uses the WSGI protocol on
both ends.  It's hard even to think of a "true" middleware that would
be useful, just the gzip one and TransLogger.  "Pseudo" middleware
provides a generic service to any application, and that should be
lauded, not disparaged as the proponents of true vs false middleware
tend to do.


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