On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:36 PM, Ben Bangert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Setting a specific expiretime should do it, unfortunately this value needs
> to be a timedelta or datetime value, so in your projects lib/environment.py,
> after the config.init function was called, add:
> from datetime import timedelta
> config['beaker.session.cookie_expires'] = timedelta(minutes=20)
> And that should do the trick.

I tried this, but it basically invalidates all session activity. I have no
funky cookie-blockers or anything in my browser. If I make a new, empty
controller, and in the index action simply set a var into session, call
session.save() and then check for it after a reload, it's gone. Is there
something else that I need?

But, even if it worked, a couple of things:
1. Doesn't it seem like something like this should be the default? Sessions
should stay alive 'till they're explicitly timed out. A server restart
shouldn't kill 'em. I doubt that would be expected behavior. For example,
users shouldn't be logged out if a cron job wants to rotate logs or

2. It seems like even as above, it's broken. It *seems* like it's timing out
20 minutes after the session starts, not 20 minutes after the session has
last been used. At least, that's what's happening to me... if this is not
what you've coded, then I'm still having problems.

Other frameworks that I've used don't rely on cookies/browsers/clients to
expire a session; they manage session state themselves. This is what I'd
like to do in pylons/buffet.

Thanks again.

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