On Jan 16, 2:23 pm, Patrick <optoma...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Is there an example App anywhere that is suitable
> for 0.9.7 and that would provide examples of everything needed for a
> publishable site, such as images etc?

I'm afraid that there isn't such a beast at the moment, possibly
because there are many different ways of achieving this end. For
example, the MyBlog tutorial uses straight HTML for posts, so one
approach would be to open a flickr account, post the images there and
insert links to the flickr images in the HTML in the blog posts.
Alternatively, you could add a file upload facility, as described in
the Pylons docs (http://beta.pylonshq.com/docs/en/0.9.7/forms/#id2) so
that you could upload image files which you can then reference in the
blog posts. In this instance, you would either have to go with drop-
dead simple file upload or implement a simple admin interface for the
uploaded files, delete/overwrite/add, whatever suits your

You may decide that in the event of a deleted post, you also want to
delete automatically any associated images, so now you need to keep
track of which image(s) go(es) with which post (assuming posts cannot
share images), etc., etc., etc. Rinse and repeat for endless
successive versions, usually of increasing complexity.

Although it seems to be a simple issue, on closer inspection it isn't
simple at all. And certainly, the notion of "everything needed for a
publishable site" is very much an idiosyncratic one, i.e. with/
without/ or choice of: markup language, images, comments (threaded or
otherwise, email advice of response), anti-uce, trackbacks,
permalinks, user-selectable sidebar content, purple numbers,
versioning, HTML vs XHTML, microformats, RDFa, atompub, syntax,
highlighting (& supported syntaxes), openid signup, oauth. The current
range of Wordpress plugins gives a sense of the diversity of opinions
as to what is "needed for a publishable site". The real b****r factor
is that there are multiple ways of implementing each of the
aforementioned components, so providing adequate examples would be a
monumental task.

Then there are special requirements. I wanted to tune our photo diary
to suit our own quite specific requirements - that of showing several
images below a post (written in markdown), without actually having to
include the images specifically in the post and for the images to be
laid out sensibly even if they were of different aspect ratios
(landscape vs portrait vs panoramic).

I eventually settled on a bulk upload facility, preserving the
sequence of the images specified in the multiple file upload fields.
The sequence preserves our selection and the blog application (written
in TurboGears 1) handles the layout. Here's a good example (note: it's
table-less fluid CSS):


Not too bad for requiring only that we take a little care in choosing
the order that the images appear in the sequence of upload file fields
and it avoids us having to muck about with doing tables in Markdown,
all we need do is perform a simple choose-write-post task.

I've never seen any advantage in posting the code as an example, I
doubt that anyone else would have similar requirements.

Hope this helps answer your question.


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