On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Tycon <adie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Javascript libraries suck because the developer still needs to use the
> retarded "java-crypt" language
> which would be excutiating to develop any real application logic with.
> Productivity, development tools,
> debugging, componentization, reusability, rich libraries, high level
> algorithms and data structures, type
> safety, compile time optimizations are all huge advantages of Java
> compared to "java-scrap-it"  ;-)

You are expecting from java-script something what it was not intended for.
It is moving to that direction now (FireBug, jQuery with big selection of
plug-ins, MochiKit or other libraries, java-script unit-testing libraries).
Compile Time Optimizations - haven't you heard anything about V8 or
TraceMonkey? That's not exactly CTO but that's what you want...
componetization - haven't you seen XUL and are you not using FireFox
add-ons? It looks like either your knowledge should be refreshed a little
bit or you are ignorant.

BTW. You can use java applets. That's *exactly* what you need.


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