this is a little complex, so bear with me...

we developed a 'framework' that runs on pylons and consolidates core
functionality for the kind of webapps we build or consult on.

something peculiar to the framework is that we need to access the
"real application's" model , helpers , etc from the framework classes
at times.

to handle this:

    on startup we import the OpenSnPylons module and set variable

    in library routines like a extension, there is code
like this:

      import OpenSnPylons
      h = getattr(__import__( '%s.lib' % OpenSnPylons.appname , {},
{}, ['']), 'helpers')
      model = getattr(__import__(OpenSnPylons.appname, {}, {}, ['']),

This works perfectly on 0.9.6 - using it on multiple production sites.

On 0.9.7 , a "paster serve" command fails with this message:

    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'helpers'

I can't figure out how/why the change happened -- or what the fix is.

hoping someone has a suggestion.
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