I'm having a similar issue.  I believe it's related to the virtualenv.

I can do

import repoze.what.plugins.quickstart

after installing it the regular way, but when doing it in virtualenv
it doesn't work, even though I made 100% sure

Here's how to repro:
virtualenv virttest
cd virttest
source bin/activate
easy_install repoze.what-quickstart repoze.what-pylons
>> import repoze.what.plugins.quickstart

Anyways, once I installed it globally outside of the virtualenv it
worked globally.  Also, that seemed to make it work inside the
virtualenv as well.

So I think it's looking in the global path or something.  maybe I
configured virtualenv wrong too?

On Feb 24, 3:26 pm, dw <dwe...@structuralcomponents.net> wrote:
> Alright, problem solved.  Unfortunately I've got to attribute this one
> to my own stupidity.  Before i found your guide, I was going through
> another one that recommended putting the lib/auth functions in a file
> called repoze located in lib/auth.  Of course doing that made the
> program look into that repoze file when I tried to import the module.
> Thanks for all your help.
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